
僵尸、激光标签和混乱:这就是 Meta 的虚拟世界里面的样子

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  发表于 Dec 23, 2021 02:46:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(CNN) 在一个寒冷的 12 月下午,我玩了一个令人心碎的激光标签游戏,骑着神奇的扫帚飞过城镇,在一个废弃的商场杀死僵尸,和一个住在大约 2000 英里外的老朋友一起出去玩——一切都没有离开我的家,或者实际上是我的客厅。

这些是你可以在 Horizo​​n Worlds 中做的事情,它是 Meta 的新社交虚拟现实应用程序,Meta 以前称为 Facebook。该应用程序本月早些时候在美国和加拿大发布,其中包含大量您可以访问的 VR“世界”,并鼓励用户构建自己的世界供任何人探索。

地平线世界是 Meta 迄今为止最雄心勃勃的努力,目的是让人们在 VR 中一起玩,在这项技术上花费了数十亿美元,并且最近随着该公司吹捧其“元宇宙”雄心,使其成为更大的焦点。此次发布是在一个充满希望的时刻:VR 比以往任何时候都更实惠、更容易访问和更强大。但挑战依然存在。

虽然该应用程序是免费的,但使用它所需的耳机售价为 299 美元或 399 美元。尽管多年来大肆宣传,但 VR 仍然是一种利基技术,除了游戏和娱乐之外,还有不确定的用例。 Meta 押注重重,它可以说服人们在经历了有关公司对现实世界影响的头条新闻之后,相信其对虚拟世界的愿景。

在地平线世界呆了几天之后,很明显 Meta 设想的宇宙已经有了一些抛光的部分,但它的边缘仍然非常粗糙——而且它肯定不是当 Meta 高管谈论所谓的“元宇宙”。


手部控件可能会感觉不连贯和毛刺 - 特别是当您的虚拟自我靠近任何可以拾取的 VR 对象时。在地平线世界中也很难找到有趣的事情要做,坦率地说,已经存在的世界听起来通常比它们更酷。

随着越来越多的人使用 VR,毫无疑问,人们会担心在虚拟场所重现我们在互联网上已经存在的一些问题。据报道,12 月初,一位地平线世界 Beta 测试员在该应用程序的官方 Facebook 群组中发帖称,一名陌生人在该应用程序内摸索了她。当被问及此事件时,Meta 的一位高管告诉科技网站 The Verge,该人没有使用该应用程序的各种安全功能,例如阻止其他用户的能力。

以我的经验,骚扰不是问题,但它长期以来一直是 VR 中的一个普遍问题,阻止或报告其他用户并不容易(特别是如果你不擅长使用 Quest 控制器)。一个不同的问题更加明显。似乎有几个未成年用户——该应用可供 18 岁及以上的任何人使用——包括我在周六晚上无意中听到的一个用户:“我妈妈告诉我必须去睡觉。”

对于 Meta 来说,这里有很多利害关系,可以说对于任何选择使用 VR 的人来说。 VR 市场仍然很小,科技市场研究机构 IDC 预计今年将出货 800 万台 VR 耳机,明年将出货 1400 万台。但市场继续增长,Meta 是领跑者。 Horizo​​n Worlds 的成功(或失败)可能会影响用户未来几年在不同 VR 应用程序中的体验。


当您打开地平线世界时,您首先看到的是一个菜单,其中包含三个活动选项:您想玩游戏、出去玩还是参加活动?不幸的是,当我在 12 月下旬试用该应用程序时,该应用程序中发生的事件并不多。相反,我花了一些时间在广场闲逛——地平线世界中的一般聚会空间——探索不同的世界,既是我自己,也是和我一起玩 VR 的现实生活中的朋友。

广场设计巧妙,尤其是当您不熟悉 VR 时。您的头像出现在一个平台上,您可以从中看到当时可能在那里的其他人的头像。有一些简单的活动选项,例如向目标投掷纸飞机和回旋镖,可帮助您了解控制器的工作原理。这也是一个很好的地方,可以找到一个真人(Meta 称他们为“社区指南”,他们的头像上方有一个清晰的标签),如果您有问题或需要帮助,他们可以为您提供帮助。


广场是您了解方位的宜人场所——今年晚些时候,它装饰了节日装饰,从欢快的雪人到不间断的铃儿响叮当的音乐。但大约 15 分钟后,我准备继续前进。

去哪儿?在我的一个手持控制器上轻按一下即可调出菜单,其中包括从虚拟相机到用于报告行为不当的用户以及导航到不同世界的能力的所有工具。此菜单还包括对 Horizo​​n Worlds 中世界的建议,有些是由 Meta 构建的,有些是由用户构建的。

Meta 构建并一直在推广的一个世界是 Arena Clash,这是一款多人激光标签游戏。我一个人冲了进去,松了口气的是,一位戴着星形鼻钉和黑色金属丝框眼镜的用户立即欢迎我并邀请我加入他们的团队。 (尽管我已经使用 VR 耳机多年了,但我仍然对在虚拟场所接近陌生人感到害羞。)我们玩了几轮三对三的激光标签,我丈夫走进房间真的很吵生活,要我停止大喊大叫。我道歉了,但是,嘿,我在工作。

至少就目前而言,Arena Clash 展示了 Horizo​​n Worlds 的最佳状态:它在视觉上经过深思熟虑,易于导航,最重要的是,它很有趣。这是一种你可以想象一遍又一遍地访问的虚拟场所,事实上,我花了一个星期的时间。


虽然很容易找到(并享受)Arena Clash,但我在发现其他引人入胜的世界时却遇到了困难。 Horizo​​n Worlds 提供了一些建议——根据你“喜欢”的世界等因素,它结合了它推广的世界和针对用户的世界——但它并没有很好地突出显示好的世界。当您不知道自己在寻找什么时,也很难进行搜索。

一个名为 Retro Zombies 的世界听起来很有希望。你可以在一个空旷的商场里射击僵尸。但是图形(包括僵尸)是基本的,经过几分钟的拍摄,它并没有那么令人兴奋。

最终,我意识到用户发布的任何世界都可以在他们的个人资料中看到(并且您可以在访问之前查看谁创建了世界的详细信息)。我找到了 Horizo​​n Worlds 本身的用户名 (Horizo​​n_Worlds) 并检查了它的列表。这向我展示了几个新的、有趣的世界,包括地平线的恐怖鬼屋,里面有从墙上冒出来的鬼魂,墙上挂着令人毛骨悚然的动画画,还有一个组装你自己的弗兰肯斯坦实验室。



一天下午,我前往广场与我在 The Wirecutter 的好友兼资深作家 Signe Brewster 见面。在现实生活中,她和我住在全国各地,所以我们在 VR 中遇到了几次。我到达,通过我的头像,并环顾四周。我在任何地方都找不到她。 Signe 在数字空间的其他地方也有类似的令人不安的经历。

我们很快意识到,虽然我们都在广场,但我们不在同一版本的广场。 Horizo​​n Worlds 将每个世界的容量限制为 20 人,然后自动将用户放置在该世界的另一个副本中;也许我们其中一个人进入的广场人太多了。

最终,我在广场上发现了一个通往名为圣诞老人洞穴的白雪皑皑的世界的门户,然后我前往那里见到了 Signe。在我遇到一位用户告诉我,他们的妈妈说他们可以使用该应用程序后,她就来了。我们走遍了世界上冰冷的坡道,聊了聊现实生活中的事情,比如我们孩子的成长速度以及哪些节日礼物最适合幼儿。我们使用虚拟镐来击打可能是冰或岩石的大块东西。我们赶上玩得很开心,但我们从未找到圣诞老人。

最终,我们放弃了,前往 Arena Clash 玩激光标签游戏。那是一段有趣的时光,但为了让我回来,地平线世界需要更多这样的世界——而 Meta 将不得不说服我的更多朋友戴上耳机。

Zombies, laser tag and confusion: Here's what it's like inside Meta's virtual world

(CNN)On a chilly December afternoon I played a heart-pounding game of laser tag, flew across town on a magical broom, killed zombies in an abandoned mall, and hung out with an old friend who lives roughly 2,000 miles away all without leaving my home or, in fact, my living room.

These are the kinds of things you can do in Horizon Worlds, the new social virtual-reality app from Meta, the company formerly known as Facebook. The app, which was released in the United States and Canada earlier this month, includes a slew of VR "worlds" that you can visit and encourages users to build their own worlds for anyone to explore.

Horizon Worlds is Meta's most ambitious effort yet to get people to hang out together in VR, after spending billions on this technology and recently making it an even bigger focus focus as the company touts its "metaverse" ambitions. The launch comes at a promising moment: VR is more affordable, accessible and capable than ever before. But challenges remain.

While the app is free, the headset required to use it costs $299 or $399. Despite years of hype, VR continues to be a niche technology, with uncertain use cases beyond gaming and entertainment. And Meta is betting heavily that it can convince people to buy into its vision for a virtual world after a bruising period of headlines about the company's impact on the real world.

After spending days in Horizon Worlds, it's clear the universe Meta envisions already has some polished pieces, but it's still very rough around the edges and it's certainly not the sort of full-fledged, sprawling virtual world conjured up when Meta executives talk about the so-called "metaverse."

In Horizon Worlds, users inhabit customizable (but legless) floating avatars mine looks kind of like a cartoon version of me on a good hair day that some might find creepy or obnoxious. Facial expressions also don't necessarily match what the person behind the avatar is feeling. For example, I noticed it's easy to make the avatar look chipper but nearly impossible to make it look sad.

The hand controls can feel choppy and glitchy particularly if your virtual self is near any VR objects that can be picked up. It can also be hard to find fun things to do in Horizon Worlds and, frankly, the worlds that already exist often sound cooler than they are.

And as more people populate VR, there will undoubtedly be concerns about recreating some of the problems we already have on the internet in virtual places. One Horizon Worlds beta tester reportedly posted in the app's official Facebook group in early December that a stranger groped her within the app. When asked about this incident, a Meta executive told tech site The Verge that the person hadn't used the app's various safety features, such as the ability to block another user.

In my experiences, harassment was not a problem, but it has long been an issue in VR in general, and it's not that easy to block or report other users (particularly if you aren't skilled at using the Quest controllers). A different issue was more immediately obvious. There appeared to be several underage users the app is available to anyone 18 and older including one I overheard telling another user on a Saturday night: "My mom is telling me I have to go to bed."

There's a lot at stake here for Meta, and arguably for anyone who chooses to use VR. The VR market is still small, with tech market researcher IDC expecting 8 million VR headsets to ship this year and 14 million next year. But the market continues to grow, and Meta is a frontrunner. The success (or failure) of Horizon Worlds will likely color the experiences users have in different VR apps for years to come.

At the plaza

The first thing you see when you open Horizon Worlds is a menu including three activity choices: Do you want to play games, hang out, or attend an event? Unfortunately, when I was trying the app out in late December, there weren't many events going on within the app. Instead, I spent some of my time hanging out in the Plaza a general gathering space within Horizon Worlds and exploring different worlds, both by myself and with a real-life friend who joined me in VR.

The Plaza is smartly designed, particularly if you're new to VR. Your avatar materializes on a platform from which you can see the avatars of other people who might be there at the time. There are some simple activity options, such as flinging paper airplanes and boomerangs at targets, to help you get a sense for how the controllers work. It's also a good place to find a live person (Meta calls them "community guides," and their avatars have a clear label above their heads) who can assist you if you have questions or need help.

Tag, you're it

The Plaza is a pleasant place to get your bearings late this year, it was decked out with holiday decor ranging from a cheery snowman to incessant Jingle-Bells-tinged music. But after about 15 minutes or so, I was ready to move on.

Where to go? A tap on one of my handheld controllers pulled up the menu that includes everything from a virtual camera to tools for reporting users who are behaving inappropriately to the ability to navigate to different worlds. This menu also includes suggestions for worlds within Horizon Worlds, some built by Meta, some by users.

One world that Meta built and has been promoting is Arena Clash, which is a multiplayer laser tag game. I popped in there by myself and was relieved that a fellow user with a star-shaped nose stud and black wire-rimmed glasses immediately welcomed me and asked me to join their team. (Even though I've used VR headsets for years, I'm still shy about approaching strangers in virtual places.) We played several rounds of three-on-three laser tag that got so raucous my husband walked into the room, in real life, to ask me to stop yelling. I apologized but, hey, I was working.

For now, at least, Arena Clash shows Horizon Worlds at its best: it's visually well thought out, easy to navigate and, most importantly, fun. It's the kind of virtual place you can imagine visiting over and over, and, in fact, I did over the course of a week.

Now what?

While it was easy to find (and enjoy) Arena Clash, I had a trickier time discovering other compelling worlds. Horizon Worlds offers some suggestions a combination of worlds it promotes and ones targeted to users based on factors such as worlds you've "liked" but it hasn't done a great job of highlighting good ones. It's also hard to search when you don't know what exactly you're looking for.

A world called Retro Zombies sounded promising. You get to shoot zombies in what appears to be a vacant mall. But the graphics (including the zombies) were rudimentary and after a few minutes of shooting, it just wasn't that exciting.

Eventually, I realized that any worlds users have published are visible in their profiles (and you can see the details of who made a world before visiting it). I found the user name for Horizon Worlds itself (Horizon_Worlds) and checked its list. This showed me several new, interesting worlds, including Horizon's Haunted House of Horrors, complete with ghosts popping out from walls, creepy animated paintings hanging on the walls and an assemble-your-own Frankenstein lab.

I can't see you

Beyond the struggle to find something fun to do, I also had a hard time finding my real-life friend in Horizon Worlds.

One afternoon, I headed to the Plaza to meet up with my buddy and senior staff writer at The Wirecutter, Signe Brewster. In real life, she lives across the country from me, so we've caught up in VR a handful of times. I arrived, via my avatar, and looked around. I couldn't find her anywhere. Signe had a similarly disconcerting experience somewhere else in digital space.

We soon realized that while we were both in the Plaza, we weren't in the same version of the Plaza. Horizon Worlds limits capacity to 20 people per world before automatically placing users in another replica of that world; perhaps there were simply too many people in the Plaza one of us had entered.

Eventually, I spotted a portal in the Plaza to a snowy-looking world called Santa's Cave, and I headed there to meet Signe. She arrived right after I encountered a user who told me their mom said it was okay for them to use the app. We traveled the world's icy ramps, chatting about real-life stuff like how quickly our kids are growing and what holiday gifts are best for toddlers. We used virtual pickaxes to hit chunks of something that might have been ice or rocks. We had a great time catching up, but we never found Santa.

Eventually, we gave up and headed to Arena Clash for a game of laser tag. It was a fun time, but to keep me coming back, Horizon Worlds needs more worlds like this and Meta will have to convince a lot more of my friends to strap on headsets.

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