
比尔盖茨谈 Omicron:“我们可能正在进入大流行最严重的阶段”

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  发表于 Dec 23, 2021 02:52:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

这位亿万富翁和微软联合创始人断言 Omicron 变体的传播速度比历史上任何病毒都要快,他说最大的未知数仍然是 Omicron 变体会让你生病。



“那几个月可能很糟糕,但我仍然相信,如果我们采取正确的步骤,大流行可以在 2022 年结束,”盖茨说。

美国的 Covid-19 病例正在上升:根据约翰霍普金斯大学的数据,该国过去一周平均每天新增病例超过 148,000 例,比一周前增加 23%,并回到 9 月中旬的水平.

根据卫生与公共服务部的数据,周三有超过 69,700 Covid-19 患者在美国医院接受治疗——这一数字自 11 8 日下降至 45,000 人左右以来一直呈上升趋势。

根据约翰霍普金斯大学的数据,过去一周美国平均每天有 1,324 人死于 Covid-19,比一周前高出 11%。

通过比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会,比尔·盖茨一直在努力缩小疫苗差距,并指出低收入国家中接种 Covid-19 疫苗的人数要少得多。他在 10 月份的 CNN 舆论报道中表示,差距将越来越难以弥合,因为世界上较富裕的政府正在购买额外的剂量以用作加强注射。

“人们对这里的不平等感到不安是正确的,”盖茨写道。 “疫苗使 Covid-19 成为一种基本上可以预防的疾病——除了最罕见的病例之外,所有疾病都可以存活——而且令人心碎的是,人们正在死于一种疾病,不是因为它无法阻止,而是因为他们生活在一个低收入国家。”

Bill Gates on Omicron: 'We could be entering the worst part of the pandemic'

New York (CNN Business)In a series of tweets late Tuesday, Bill Gates says he plans to cancel most of his holiday plans and warned that that the United States "could be entering the worst part of the pandemic."

Asserting that the Omicron variant is spreading faster than any virus in history, the billionaire and Microsoft co-founder said the big unknown remains how sick the Omicron variant can make you.

"We need to take it seriously until we know more about it. Even if it's only half as severe as Delta, it will be the worst surge we have seen so far because it's so infectious," Gates said.

Gates also expects the wave to last three months in the United States.

"Those few months could be bad, but I still believe if we take the right steps, the pandemic can be over in 2022," Gates said.

Covid-19 cases in the United States are rising: The country averaged more than 148,000 new cases a day over the last week, 23% higher than a week ago and back to levels last seen in mid-September, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

More than 69,700 Covid-19 patients were in US hospitals on Wednesday -- a number that's been trending up since it dipped to around 45,000 on November 8, according to Health and Human Services Department data.

The US averaged 1,324 Covid-19 deaths a day over the last week, 11% higher than a week prior, according to Johns Hopkins.

Through the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, Bill Gates has been trying to close the vaccine gap, noting that far fewer people in low-income countries have received a Covid-19 vaccines. He said in a CNN opinion story in October that the gap will get harder to close, because the world's richer governments are buying up extra doses to serve as booster shots.

"People are right to be upset about the inequity here," Gates wrote. "Vaccines make Covid-19 a largely preventable disease -- and a survivable one in all but the rarest cases -- and it is heartbreaking to know that people are dying of a disease not because it can't be stopped but because they live in a low-income country."

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