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  发表于 Dec 23, 2021 03:05:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


这将为西雅图和波特兰等城市带来白色圣诞节的机会,在这些城市,这种浪漫——或令人恼火——取决于你的观点——假日天气的气候几率仅为 1% 3%。

据萨克拉门托国家气象局办公室的气象学家称,与此同时,在内华达山脉,孤立的雪可能堆积得足够高,达到建筑物的第二层——高达 10 英尺。内华达山脉的大多数人更有可能看到 5 8 英尺的积雪,从而使整个地区的道路状况变得危险。


Intermountain West 的部分地区也将以英尺为单位测量积雪,让滑雪爱好者感到高兴。

海拔较低的地区将有大约 1 3 英寸的降雨,有时会下雨,影响道路状况并可能导致航空旅行延误。山洪暴发也是可能的,当如此多的雨水浸透该地区时,泥石流总是一个风险。

尽管这会阻碍旅行并影响圣诞节计划,但雨雪是一个受欢迎的发展,因为即使在最近的大气河流带来了几英寸的雨和几英尺的雪之后,超过 97% 的西部仍然处于干旱状态。


顾名思义,大气河流是数千英尺高空的湿气流。它们的宽度往往为 250 375 英里,据说输送的水蒸气量相当于密西西比河河口平均水流量的 7.5 15 倍。

1 5 的范围内,本周的大气河流预计在加利福尼亚州将达到 3 级,在下加利福尼亚州的部分地区甚至达到 5 级。





南部城市在一年中的这个时候将达到比平均水平高 20 度的温度,周六将在 70 年代和 80 年代达到最高温度,而德克萨斯州和墨西哥边境沿线的温度将接近 90 度。

“在圣诞节那天,从德克萨斯州到东南部,可能会创下 30 多个历史新高,”美国有线电视新闻网气象学家戴夫·亨南 (Dave Hennen) 说。


Snow could pile as high as a one-story building for some in the US as others get a rare white Christmas

(CNN)Santa is bringing the gift of another atmospheric river event to the parched US West Coast this week, with heavy snow and rain and windy conditions predicted in spots from Canada to Mexico.

The first, warmer storm system will unfold Wednesday into Thursday, keeping snow to the highest elevations. Then, a much colder and more significant weekend storm could deliver snow closer to sea level in places like Washington and Oregon.

That would bring a chance of a white Christmas to cities like Seattle and Portland, where the climatological odds of such romantic -- or irritating, depending on your perspective -- holiday weather is just 1% to 3%.

Meantime in the Sierra Nevada mountains, isolated snow could pile high enough to reach the second story of a building -- up to 10 feet, according to meteorologists at the Sacramento National Weather Service office. Most people in the Sierra Nevadas will more likely see 5 to 8 feet of snow, making road conditions hazardous across the region.

"Travel across the Sierra will be difficult to impossible at times through the holiday weekend," the Reno weather service office said Wednesday morning.

Parts of the Intermountain West will also measure the snow in feet, delighting ski enthusiasts.

Those at lower elevations will see roughly 1 to 3 inches of rain, some heavy at times, impacting road conditions and potentially causing air travel delays. Flash flooding is also possible, and mudslides are always a risk when this much rain soaks the region.

Though it will hinder travel and dampen Christmas plans, the rain and snow are a welcome development, given that more than 97% of West remains in a drought, even after recent atmospheric rivers delivered inches of rain and feet of snow.

Atmospheric rivers are crucial to the West Coast's water supply, accounting for nearly half of the West Coast's annual precipitation.

As the name suggests, atmospheric rivers are flows of moisture thousands of feet in the sky. They tend to be 250 to 375 miles wide and are said to transport an amount of water vapor equivalent to 7.5 to 15 times the average flow of water at the mouth of the Mississippi River.

On a scale of 1 to 5, this week's atmospheric river is forecast to be a high Category 3 in California and even a 5 in portions of Baja California.

Holiday travel for the rest of the US looks less grim

Weather conditions for the country, on the whole, will be fine for the millions traveling for the holidays.

Beyond the West, the Great Lakes and New England could run into troubles as a pair of systems may slightly impact travel with some typical wintry weather.

The rest of the United States looks tranquil and warm over the holidays.

Cities in the South will reach 20 degrees above average for this time of the year, topping out in the 70s and 80s for highs -- and near 90 along the Texan-Mexican border -- on Saturday.

"On Christmas Day, over 30 record highs could be set from Texas into the Southeast," CNN meteorologist Dave Hennen said.

By contrast, the high temperatures that day will be near zero along the US-Canadian border.

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