
南非顶级科研人员称该国已度过 Omicron 疫情高峰期

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  发表于 Dec 23, 2021 03:13:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
据该国一位顶级科学研究人员称,南非已经度过了 Omicron 爆发的高峰期。

南非科学与工业研究委员会高级研究员 Ridhwaan Suliman 周三告诉美国有线电视新闻网,该国“现在已经超过了 Omicron 浪潮的顶峰,这是由于人口众多的省份和震中豪登省的显着下降。”



南非医学协会全国主席 Angelique Coetzee 博士是首批治疗 Omicron 患者的医生之一,他在周一的美国有线电视新闻网新日节目中表示,该国“已经超过曲线”,并强调豪登省的数字“要低得多” .”


根据 NICD 周三发布的流行病学简报,截至周六,在南非发现的新 Covid-19 病例数减少了 20.8%。

根据苏里曼的说法,尽管检测阳性率仍然“仍然很高,为 29.8%”,但这一数字正在下降的事实证实了“感染的下降是真实的,而不是检测的假象”。

关于住院和死亡人数:南非疫苗学家 Shabir Mahdi 周三还告诉美国有线电视新闻网,尽管“死亡人数可能略有增加”,但这个数字将“大大低于”Delta 变体所经历的数字。


Top scientific researcher says South Africa has passed the peak of its Omicron outbreak

South Africa has passed the peak of its Omicron outbreak, according to one of the country's top scientific researchers.

Ridhwaan Suliman, senior researcher at the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, told CNN on Wednesday that the country has "surpassed the peak of the Omicron wave now, driven by the significant decline in the populous province and epicenter, Gauteng."

This was echoed by one of the country's top scientists, Dr. Michelle Groome of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, who told a media briefing earlier on Wednesday that all indications show "that we've surpassed the peak of infections in Gauteng."

Most other provinces in the country have also passed their peaks, Suliman added

National Chair of the South African Medical Association Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who was one of the first doctors to treat patients with Omicron, told CNN's New Day on Monday that the country was "over the curve," highlighting that Gauteng's numbers were "much lower."

Suliman characterized the country's fourth wave as a "steeper wave," that was "significantly shorter" than those prior, saying in a tweet it took "about half the number of days to reach the peak compared with previous waves in South Africa.

There was a 20.8% decrease in the number of new Covid-19 cases detected in South Africa as of Saturday, according to the NICD's epidemiology brief published Wednesday.

According to Suliman, although test positivity remains "still high at 29.8%," the fact the figure is decreasing confirms "the decline in infections is real and not a testing artifact."

On hospitalizations and deaths: South African vaccinologist Shabir Mahdi also told CNN on Wednesday that although there may be a "slight increase in deaths" the figure will be "substantially lower" than that experienced with the Delta variant.

Suliman also said that hospitalizations and deaths from this wave have proven to be "significantly lower relative to that experienced in previous waves."

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