
Covid-19 中断和恶劣天气导致假日航班取消率飙升

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  发表于 Jan 3, 2022 05:06:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
华盛顿特区 (CNN) 由于 Covid-19 中断和寒冷天气导致旅行放缓,新年周末有数千个美国航班被取消。自平安夜以来,航班取消的趋势一直在稳步上升,随着数百万人在假期中旅行,周六达到了一个新的高峰。

来自 FlightAware 网站的数据显示,周六全球有超过 4,731 趟航班被取消——这是自圣诞节前夕危机开始以来最大的取消航班日。至少有 2,739 次取消在美国境内、境内或境外。

FlightAware 显示,美国周日取消的航班数量已经达到 2,373 架次,全球取消的航班数量达到 3,989 架次。周日通常是一周中最繁忙的旅行日,随着圣诞节假期和新年周的结束,这个周日可能是一个繁忙的旅行日。美国运输安全管理局周四表示,预计从周五到周一将筛查 1000 万人。

周日,西南航空、捷蓝航空、达美航空和美国航空各有 100 多个取消的航班,西南航空以 264 个领先。根据 FlightAware 的数据,捷蓝航空取消了 16% 的运营。

根据 CNN FlightAware 数据的统计,包括周日在内,航空公司在包括平安夜在内的过去 10 天内取消了 14,000 多个航班。

这个问题很可能会持续到下周,因为航空公司需要时间从天气问题中恢复过来。周一已有超过 310 趟美国航班取消。

美国航空公司的取消是全面的。周六的四大:西南航空取消了 13%,达美航空取消了 10%,美国航空和联合航空取消了 8%。

周日从芝加哥奥黑尔起飞的航班有四分之一被取消,周六从奥黑尔起飞的航班有 44% 被取消,从中途岛起飞的航班有 54% 被取消。

Allegiant 取消了 27% 的周六航班,即 64 个航班。发言人希拉里·格雷在给 CNN 的消息中承认了天气和 Covid-19 人员配备问题。

“正如你所指出的,本周我们继续有异常数量的取消——一些是由于恶劣的天气,一些是由于其他因素——包括其他航空公司经历的 COVID 对员工的意外影响类型和在我们飞行的地方合作。

“这些因素的持续影响是我们无法预测的,但不幸的是,我们确实预计本周会有更多的延误和取消。当然,当旅行发生意外中断时,客户服务会直接通知受影响的乘客,并重新安排中转选项- 被安排到另一个航班,获得退款、信用或其他补偿。”

Holiday flight cancellations soar with Covid-19 disruptions and bad weather

Washington, DC (CNN)Thousands of US flights were canceled over New Year's weekend as a combination of Covid-19 disruptions and wintry weather slowed travel. Flight cancellations have trended up steadily since Christmas Eve, hitting a new peak Saturday as millions travel over the holidays.

Data from the website FlightAware shows more than 4,731 flights were canceled globally on Saturday -- by far the largest day of cancellations since the meltdown began Christmas Eve. At least 2,739 of the cancellations were within, into or out of the US.

Sunday cancellations in the US already number 2,373 flights, FlightAware showed, and global cancellations reached 3,989. Sunday is generally the busiest travel day of the week, and this Sunday is likely a heavy travel day as the Christmas holiday and New Years week wrap up. The Transportation Security Administration said Thursday it expected to screen 10 million people from Friday through Monday.

Southwest, JetBlue, Delta and American Airlines each have over 100 canceled flights Sunday, with Southwest leading the pack at 264. JetBlue canceled 16% of its operations, according to FlightAware data.

Including Sunday, airlines have canceled more than 14,000 flights in the last 10 days, including Christmas Eve, per a CNN tally of FlightAware data.

The problem is likely to continue into next week because it takes time for airlines to recover from the weather issues alone. More than 310 US flights are already canceled for Monday.

The cancellations were across the board for US carriers. The big four on Saturday: Southwest canceled 13%, Delta 10%, American and United 8%.

One quarter of flights departing Chicago O'Hare Sunday were canceled, after 44% of flights out of O'Hare were canceled Saturday and 54% of flights were canceled from Midway.

Allegiant canceled 27% of its Saturday schedule, or 64 flights. Spokeswoman Hilarie Grey acknowledged weather and Covid-19 staffing issues in a message to CNN.

"As you've noted, we continue to have an unusual number of cancellations this week -- some have been due to severe weather, and some due to other factors -- including the type of unanticipated staff impacts from COVID experienced by other airlines and partners in places where we fly.

"The ongoing impact of these factors is not something we can predict, but we do anticipate additional delays and cancellations this week, unfortunately. Of course when an unanticipated disruption to travel occurs, customer care notifies the affected passengers directly and relays options to be re-accommodated to another flight, receive a refund, credit or other compensation."

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