
认识 Wordle,互联网的最新痴迷

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  发表于 Jan 9, 2022 06:10:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
纽约(CNN)想知道你社交媒体上的那些绿色和黄色的瓷砖是什么?它是 Wordle,一款吸引了互联网的全新简洁文字游戏。

将其视为 Mastermind,但使用文字而不是彩色钉。或者一个没有线索的迷你填字游戏。您首先选择任何五个字母的单词并将其输入到网格中。任何不正确的字母都会以灰色弹出。正确的字母变为黄色,如果字母也在正确的位置,则变为绿色。用户有六次尝试来猜测这个词——就是这样——尝试越少越好。有点像高尔夫。


甚至游戏背后的故事也很有趣。据《纽约时报》报道,它是由软件工程师 Josh Wardle 为他喜欢文字游戏的搭档创建的。 Wardle - 是的,即使游戏的名字也是文字游戏 - 在家庭群聊中受欢迎后,他最终在 10 月将他的副项目公之于众。截至上周日,它已从 90 名玩家增加到 300,000 名。

“这是鼓励你每天花三分钟的事情,”他在接受《纽约时报》采访时说。 “它不想要你更多的时间。”

北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的 Deepak Venkatasubramanian 像检查晨报一样检查 Wordle。他说,在大流行期间和信息过度饱和的社会中,有一种常规感令人耳目一新。他在成长过程中在家庭公路旅行中玩过类似的文字游戏,现在他在与朋友的群聊中玩 Wordle 以保持联系。他那群刚毕业的大学毕业生甚至制作了一张 Excel 表格来记录分数。

“我们有一种能够一次访问所有内容的文化,”Venkatasubramanian 说。 “这就像在等待你最喜欢的电视节目的一集播出。”

Wardle 通过允许用户复制和粘贴他们的彩色方块而无需泄露单词,创造了一种简单的结果分享方式之后,这款游戏是逻辑和纯粹运气的简单组合,在社交媒体和群聊中火了起来。每天都有成千上万的人在 Twitter 上发布他们的分数,揭示有多少人或有多少人尝试解决难题以及以什么顺序。

对于许多人来说,这已成为他们日常生活的一部分。 Wardle 24 小时在他创建的网站上发布一款新游戏。没有多余的装饰。此外,没有弹出广告,没有烦人的登录信息,没有现金抢夺。

“我不明白为什么有些事情不能只是有趣。我不必为此向人们收费,理想情况下希望保持这种方式,”沃德尔周三在接受 BBC Radio 4 采访时说。

Meet Wordle, the internet's latest obsession

New York (CNN)Wonder what those green and yellow tiles all over your social media feeds are? It's Wordle, a new no-frills word game that has charmed the internet.

Think of it as Mastermind, but with words instead of colored pegs. Or a mini crossword without clues. You start by choosing any five-letter word and typing it out into the grid. Any incorrect letter pops up in grey. Correct letters turn yellow, and if the letter is also in the right spot it turns green. Users have six tries to guess the word that's it the fewer tries, the better. Kinda like golf.

In the midst of a chaotic, polarized news cycle, a simple word game may be just what the internet needs.

Even the story behind the game is intriguing. The New York Times reported it was created by software engineer Josh Wardle for his partner, who loves word games. Wardle -- yes, even the game's name is a play on words -- eventually took his side project to the public in October after its popularity on a family groupchat. It's since grown from 90 players to 300,000 as of last Sunday.

"It's something that encourages you to spend three minutes a day," he said in an interview with the Times. "It doesn't want any more of your time than that."

Deepak Venkatasubramanian of Charlotte, N.C., checks Wordle like the morning paper. It is refreshing to have a sense of routine during a pandemic and in a society with an oversaturation of information, he said. He played a similar word game on family road trips growing up, and now he plays Wordle in a group chat with his friends to keep in touch. His group of recent college graduates even made an Excel sheet to keep tally of scores.

"We have a culture of being able to access everything at once," Venkatasubramanian said. "It's like waiting for an episode of your favorite television show to drop."

The game, a simple enough combination of logic and sheer luck, is blowing up on social media and group chats alike, after Wardle created an easy way to share results by allowing users to copy and paste their colored squares without giving away the word. Thousands of people post their scores every day on Twitter, revealing how many, or how few, tries it took them to solve the puzzle and in what order.

For many, it's become part of their daily routine. Wardle posts a new game every 24 hours on a website he created. There are no frills. Also, no pop-up ads, no pesky login information, no cash grabs.

"I don't understand why something can't just be fun. I don't have to charge people money for this and ideally would like to keep it that way," Wardle said in an interview Wednesday with BBC Radio 4.

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