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  发表于 Jan 14, 2022 04:13:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

这家欧洲最大的汽车制造商周三表示,它在 2021 年向客户交付了 452,900 辆纯电动汽车,几乎是上一年的两倍。但这还不足以跟上特斯拉的步伐,后者在 2021 年交付了超过 936,000 辆汽车。

总体而言,特斯拉 (TSLA) 去年的交付量增加了约 436,600 辆,而拥有奥迪、保时捷和斯柯达等品牌的大众汽车集团 (VLKAF) 的交付量增加了 220,900 辆。

这家德国公司承诺在未来五年内花费超过 1000 亿美元来实现其车队的电气化,并对特斯拉发起挑战。大众汽车已经是欧洲最大的电动汽车销售商,预计到 2026 年,其在全球销售的 25% 的汽车将是电动汽车。

大众汽车集团表示,它已经开始推出一系列新车型,包括 ID.4 电动 SUV,但去年的进展受到供应链问题的阻碍。

“由于全球半导体短缺,2021 年非常具有挑战性,但我们仍然始终如一地实施我们明确的未来路线,”销售主管 Christian Dahlheim 在一份声明中表示。 “我们的电池电量翻了一番,对我们所有车辆的高需求清楚地表明我们走在正确的轨道上。”

特斯拉在这一年也有自己的芯片短缺问题,但能够解决这些问题。埃隆马斯克的公司在 2021 年的最后三个月发布了创纪录的交付量 308,600 辆汽车,轻松超过华尔街的估计。

Wedbush Securities 的分析师丹·艾夫斯本月早些时候表示:“退一步说,由于芯片短缺是汽车领域和全球物流问题的主要问题,这些 [特斯拉] 的交付数量令人瞠目结舌。”

特斯拉预测,随着德克萨斯州奥斯汀和柏林附近的新工厂于 2022 年开始全面生产,至少在未来几年内,它的全球销售额年增长率应达到 50% 或更高。


Volkswagen falls further behind Tesla in the race to electric

Volkswagen is falling further behind Tesla in the race to dominate the market for electric cars.

Europe's largest carmaker said Wednesday that it delivered 452,900 battery electric cars to customers in 2021, nearly double its total from the previous year. But that wasn't enough to keep pace with Tesla, which delivered over 936,000 vehicles in 2021.

In total, Tesla (TSLA) boosted its deliveries last year by roughly 436,600 compared to an increase of 220,900 for the Volkswagen Group (VLKAF), which owns brands including Audi, Porsche and Skoda.

The German company has committed to spending more than $100 billion over the next five years to electrify its fleet and mount a challenge to Tesla. Volkswagen is already the top seller of electric cars in Europe, and it expects 25% of the vehicles it sells globally to be electric by 2026.

It has begun rolling out a series of new models, including the ID.4 electric SUV, but progress last year was hampered by supply chain issues, Volkswagen Group said.

"2021 was very challenging due to global semiconductor shortages, but we nevertheless consistently implemented our clear future course," sales boss Christian Dahlheim said in a statement. "The doubling of our battery-electric volumes and the high demand for all our vehicles clearly show that we are on the right track."

Tesla had its own chip shortage issues during the year but was able to manage them. Elon Musk's company posted record deliveries in final three months of 2021 of 308,600 vehicles, easily surpassing Wall Street estimates.

"Taking a step back, with the chip shortage a major overhang on the auto space and logistical issues globally these [Tesla] delivery numbers were jaw dropping," Dan Ives, an analyst for Wedbush Securities, said earlier this month.

Tesla has forecast that with new factories near Austin, Texas, and Berlin starting full-scale production in 2022, it should have annual global sales growth of 50% or better for at least the next few years.

"While there are many competitors in the EV space, Tesla continues to dominate market share as evidenced again this quarter while battling through the chip shortage," Ives said.

Chris Isidore contributed reporting.

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