过去 22 个月的大流行迫使许多公司远程招聘、工作和留住人才。
Morgan Tolles 为在线公证服务 Notarize 工作了近 18 个月——首先是实习生,最后是律师——但她从未在公司办公室工作过,也从未见过她的同事。
尽管如此,Tolles 说她喜欢在舒适的家中工作。
“这有助于过渡,”26 岁的托尔斯说。
Notarize 决定首先保持远程办公,这意味着大多数员工大部分时间都将继续在家工作。该公司在大流行期间关闭了两个卫星办公室,其波士顿总部现在将在需要时用作会议和活动空间。
Tolles 住在加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托,与她一起工作的 10 人团队分布在美国各地,因此她每天早上 6:30 或 7:00 左右开始工作,通常在 4:00 或 4:30 左右下班.
由于无法进入老板或同事的办公室,Tolles 依靠 Slack 进行沟通和寻求指导。
These recent grads landed office jobs, but they've barely set foot in the office
The past 22 months of the pandemic have forced many companies to recruit, work and retain talent remotely.
And that means some workers just entering the labor force have never worked in an office, met any colleagues in-person or commuted farther than a few feet.
'A happier employee'
Morgan Tolles has worked for online notary service Notarize for nearly 18 months -- first as an intern and eventually as an attorney -- but she's never worked in the company's office or met her coworkers in-person.
Nevertheless, Tolles said she enjoys working from the comfort of home.
She said finishing law school remotely early on in the pandemic helped her prepare for a fully remote position.
"It helped with the transition," said Tolles, 26.
Notarize has decided to remain remote first, which means most workers will continue working from home the majority of the time. The company closed two satellite offices during the pandemic, and its Boston headquarters will now serve as a meeting and event space when needed.
Tolles lives in Sacramento, California, and the team of 10 people she works with are spread across the US, so she starts her days around 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning and typically logs off around 4:00 or 4:30.
"I don't have a commute, I am working from my room, so that makes me a happier employee. I don't have to deal with traffic," she said.
Since dropping into her boss's or co-workers' office isn't an option, Tolles relies on Slack to communicate and seek guidance.
"I can Slack my supervisor or another attorney on my team and say: 'Hey, I am struggling with this, can you help me?' And not only can they respond when they have a minute because I am not standing in their doorway...they can see it and respond when they are free," she said.