
自 11 月创纪录以来,比特币价值下跌近 50%

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  发表于 Jan 23, 2022 09:23:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
11 月高点以来,比特币已贬值近一半,随着主要经济体希望遏制其日益普及的趋势,加密货币价格继续暴跌。

而且不仅仅是比特币,因为加密货币总体上在今年开局不佳。根据 CoinDesk 的数据,比特币在过去 24 小时内下跌了 8% 以上,截至美国东部时间上午 9:30 的交易价格为 35,479 美元。自今年年初以来,世界上最有价值的加密货币已经暴跌超过 20%。 11 月,它的交易价格创下 68,990 美元的历史新高。

它的同行表现更糟。根据 CoinDesk 的数据,世界上第二大最有价值的加密货币以太坊在过去 24 小时内下跌了 12% 以上,截至周六上午的交易价格约为 2,400 美元。自新年开始以来,这一数字下降了近 30%。




其他国家也在考虑禁止加密货币。 11 月,印度表示正准备推出一项规范数字货币的法案,尽管该提案仍有很多未知之处。本周早些时候,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪表示,需要全球合作来解决加密货币带来的问题。

然而,并不是所有人都悲观。高盛表示,未来五年内比特币的价格可能会达到 10 万美元以上。在本月早些时候发布的一份报告中,该银行的分析师表示,他们看到未来强劲增长,因为比特币将越来越多地从黄金中窃取市场份额。

Bitcoin value tumbles almost 50% since record November

Bitcoin has lost almost half its value since its November high, with cryptocurrency prices continuing to plunge as major economies look to curb their growing popularity.

And it's not just Bitcoin, as cryptocurrencies in general have had a dismal start to the year. Bitcoin has fallen over 8% in the last 24 hours, and was trading at $35,479 as of 9:30 am ET, according to CoinDesk. The world's most valuable cryptocurrency has plummeted over 20% since the beginning of the year. In November it was trading at a record high of $68,990.

Its peers have fared worse. Ethereum, the world's second most valuable cryptocurency, has fallen more than 12% in the last 24 hour, and was trading at around $2,400 as of mid-morning Saturday, according to CoinDesk. That's an almost 30% drop since the start of the new year.

Investors are getting jittery about digital currencies and other riskier assets ever since the US Federal Reserve signaled it may unwind economic stimulus more aggressively than expected.

Governments are cracking down as well. On Thursday, Reuters reported that Russia's central bank has proposed a ban on crypto use and mining. Russia is one of the biggest crypto-mining nations in the world, but its central bank said that digital currencies can pose a threat to the country's financial stability.

The Russian proposal comes just a few months after China launched a full-scale clampdown on cryptocurrency, banning both trading and mining.

Other countries are also flirting with a ban on crypto. In November, India said it was preparing to introduce a bill that would regulate digital currencies, although much is still unknown about that proposal. Earlier this week, India's prime minister Narendra Modi said that global cooperation is needed to tackle problems posed by crytocurrencies.

However, not everyone is pessimistic. Goldman Sachs said that the price of bitcoin could reach more than $100,000 within the next five years. In a report published earlier this month, the bank's analysts said they saw strong gains ahead because bitcoin would increasingly steal market share from gold.

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