
How to write a request for approval 如何编写批准请求

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  发表于 Oct 20, 2022 03:03:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Follow these steps to ensure you craft a professional request for approval letter.

1. Choose your contact method

Every company has a unique process for sending requests for approval. You might send an approval request email for a minimal design change, while you might print an updated contract for significant budget changes. Some companies use software that digitally verifies approvals, while others might require a written signature on every approval made.

2. Address the recipient professionally

Approval requests are sent to those who make final decisions, so it is best to address them professionally. Use "Dear Mr." or "Ms." followed by their last name. You might choose to use a client's first and last name to accurately verify who approved the request.

3. Start with what you need

When asking for someone's approval, be considerate of their time. Start your message with exactly what you are seeking approval for. Your client or manager is likely to appreciate your conciseness.

Example: “Dear Mrs. Smith, I am sending this request for your approval of a budget change to our project. To better serve you and your business, we would like to change the budget from $1,250 to $1,750.”

4. Explain why you need it

Continue your conciseness by immediately explaining why you want or need what you are asking for. Explaining the reasoning for your request allows them to understand why it is important to you.

Example: “The reason for this budget change is to allow our designers to create additional ad copy for your upcoming promotion.”

5. Tell them why they should care

Once you've quickly explained why you want or need their approval, promptly tell them why they should care. Explain the benefits they will receive by approving your request. Write this part of the letter confidently to make them understand the advantages they receive with their approval.

Example: “With this additional ad budget, we will be able to perform three split tests of your ads before choosing the final ad copy for your upcoming campaign. Many of our clients have received as much as a 50% greater return on their investment.”

6. Show your enthusiasm for their response

After telling them the benefits they will receive once they approve your request, it can be beneficial to show your enthusiasm for their response. Make it clear that you are excited about your request and what their approval can do for them. Show genuine confidence in what you've presented, and make it known you are looking forward to their approval.

Example: “I know your return on investment is important to you, and I'm excited to deliver even greater results than you originally expected. I look forward to your approval.”

7. Conclude your message

Before writing your name and information at the bottom of the email, you may include one more piece of information depending on the situation. If you are working with a deadline, you may provide a time or date for when you need a response to prompt them to make a decision.

Example: “Your ad campaign is set to start next Tuesday, so I would appreciate a response by this Friday. Sincerely, Caroline Clark.”

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