
写请求审批的样本 Samples of requests for approval

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  发表于 Oct 20, 2022 03:05:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Use the following samples to guide you when writing a request for approval letter.

Proposal needs approval from project manager

Dear Mr. Green,

I am sending this request for your approval of our marketing proposal for our next project. The team and I have created a detailed plan that I've attached to this email. Once you approve our proposal, we will get started on the project immediately. You will find this plan to be a comprehensive answer to better engaging our current customers with retargeted advertising. I know you've been seeking an answer to how we can generate more return business, and I'm confident that this is our answer. I look forward to your response.


Patricia Gaten

Budget adjustment needs approval from operations director

Dear Mr. Anderson,

I am sending this request for your approval of a budget change to our current project. To make this project work successfully, I am requesting an increase in our budget by $4,500 for a new total budget of $34,500. The reason for this change is for additional materials to allow for further product testing before our release. With this supplemental budget, we will be able to ensure the perfect implementation of our electronics to provide a working product before the release.

I know you've expressed your concern about the working capacity of this new product, and I want to make sure it's done right just as much as you do. I would appreciate your approval of this budget change so we can complete our final product testing by the end of the week.


Joshua Parker

Completed project needs approval from supervisor

Dear Ms. Emerson,

I am sending this request for your approval of my completed edits for next month's newsletter. I would appreciate it if you could read this to confirm the edits. Once you approve the edits, I will be able to complete the formatting and send it to the design team. I know you'd like this completed by next week, and I look forward to your response so we can get the design team working on the style as soon as possible. If you send me your approval today, it will be in the hands of our design team by tomorrow morning.


Michael Adams

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