Thank you.(谢谢。)
Thank you so much.(非常感谢。)
Thanks a lot.(非常感谢。)
I appreciate it.(我感激不尽。)
That's very kind of you.(你太好了。)
You're a lifesaver.(你救了我的命。)
You have no idea how much this means to me.(你不知道这对我有多重要。)
I can't thank you enough.(我无法表达我的感激之情。)
You're too kind.(你太客气了。)
It was really thoughtful of you.(你真是太体贴了。)
You're amazing.(你太棒了。)
I'm so grateful.(我非常感激。)
You're the best.(你是最棒的。)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.(我由衷地感谢你。)