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  发表于 Dec 15, 2023 08:06:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
沙发 (Sofa):

We spent the evening watching movies on the sofa.

电视 (Television / TV):

Let's gather in the living room and watch the TV show together.

立灯 (Floor lamp):

The floor lamp provides soft lighting in the corner of the living room.

窗帘 (Curtains):

She opened the curtains to let in the natural light.

地毯 (Carpet / Rug):

A colorful rug can add warmth and style to the living room.

书架 (Bookshelf):

The bookshelf is filled with novels, poetry, and reference books.

画框 (Picture frame):

The picture frames on the wall showcase family memories.

靠垫 (Cushions / Pillows):

The cushions on the sofa make it more comfortable and inviting.

音响 (Stereo / Sound system):

The stereo system is perfect for playing music during gatherings.

地台 / 茶几 (Ottoman / Coffee table):

An ottoman can serve as a coffee table or extra seating in the living room.

咖啡桌 (Coffee table):

The coffee table is a great place to put snacks and drinks.

挂钟 (Wall clock):

The wall clock in the living room chimes every hour.

(Painting / Artwork):

The paintings on the wall add a touch of elegance to the living room.

电视柜 (TV stand):

The TV stand not only holds the television but also provides storage space.

花瓶 (Vase):

She placed fresh flowers in the vase on the coffee table.

遥控器 (Remote control):

Pass me the remote control; I want to change the channel.

窗台 (Window sill):

The cat likes to sit on the window sill and watch the birds outside.

吊扇 (Ceiling fan):

In hot weather, the ceiling fan helps keep the living room cool.

地灯 (Table lamp):

The table lamp on the side table provides soft lighting for reading.

装饰物 (Decorative items):

The living room is adorned with various decorative items, such as sculptures and candles.

 楼主| 发表于 Dec 15, 2023 08:07:40 | 只看该作者
橱柜 (Cabinet):

The cabinet stores DVDs, board games, and other entertainment items.

吊灯 (Chandelier):

The chandelier hanging from the ceiling adds an elegant touch to the room.

窗台台灯 (Sill lamp):

She placed a small sill lamp on the window sill for reading at night.

壁炉 (Fireplace):

The fireplace creates a warm and inviting focal point in the living room.

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