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  发表于 Dec 15, 2023 08:13:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
餐桌 (Dining table):

We gather around the dining table for family meals.

餐椅 (Dining chair):

Each person has their own dining chair at the table.

吧台 (Bar counter):

The bar counter is a great place to enjoy a quick breakfast.

吧椅 (Bar stool):

Use a bar stool if you prefer to sit at the kitchen island.

橱柜 (Cabinet):

Store pots and pans in the kitchen cabinets for easy access.

搁板 (Shelf):

Place spices and condiments on the shelf for easy organization.

厨房岛 (Kitchen island):

The kitchen island provides extra counter space and storage.

茶几 (Coffee table):

Some kitchens have a small coffee table for casual dining.

瓶架 (Wine rack):

Store your wine collection in the wine rack.

吊柜 (Hanging cabinet):

Hang the glassware in the hanging cabinet above the sink.

架子 (Rack):

Use a rack to dry dishes after washing.

抽屉 (Drawer):

Store utensils and kitchen tools in the drawers.

橱窗 (Display cabinet):

The display cabinet showcases fine china and glassware.

燃气灶台 (Gas stove):

Cooking is easier with a reliable gas stove.

电磁炉 (Induction cooktop):

An induction cooktop is energy-efficient and easy to clean.

烤箱 (Oven):

Roast the chicken in the oven until it's golden brown.

抽油烟机 (Range hood):

The range hood helps keep the kitchen air free of cooking odors.

咖啡桌 (Bistro table):

A bistro table and chairs create a cozy corner in the kitchen.

家庭酒吧 (Home bar):

Set up a home bar with stools for entertaining guests.

橱柜顶部饰板 (Cabinet crown molding):

Cabinet crown molding adds a touch of elegance to the kitchen cabinets.

水槽 (Sink):

Wash the dishes in the sink after dinner.

水槽龙头 (Faucet):

The faucet in the kitchen sink needs to be repaired.

滚筒门 (Roll-up door):

Some kitchens have roll-up doors for appliance garages.

展示架 (Display shelf):

Use a display shelf for showcasing decorative kitchen items.

台面 (Countertop):

The countertop provides ample space for food preparation.

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