
现在完成时例句:美国生活中与I have done类似的常见英语口语

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  发表于 Dec 25, 2023 02:16:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I've been there:

例句: "Have you visited that new coffee shop?"

"Yes, I've been there. It's great!"

I've seen that movie:

例句: "Have you watched the latest superhero movie?"

"Yes, I've seen that movie. It was awesome!"

I've tried it before:

例句: "Did you try the local cuisine?"

"Yes, I've tried it before. It's delicious."

I've heard about that:

例句: "Have you heard about the upcoming event?"

"Yes, I've heard about that. It sounds interesting."

I've had that experience:

例句: "Have you ever traveled alone?"

"Yes, I've had that experience. It was quite eye-opening."

I've seen this before:

例句: "Did you notice the new artwork in the office?"

"Yes, I've seen this before. It was installed last week."

I've been through that:

例句: "Dealing with a difficult situation at work can be challenging."

"I know, I've been through that. It takes patience and persistence."

I've given it a try:

例句: "Have you attempted learning a new language?"

"Yes, I've given it a try. It's a fun and rewarding experience."

I've given it a shot:

例句: "Have you tried solving the puzzle?"

"Yes, I've given it a shot, but it's quite challenging."

I've taken a crack at it:

例句: "Did you attempt fixing the computer issue?"

"Yes, I've taken a crack at it, but I might need some help."

I've been in your shoes:

例句: "Dealing with difficult clients can be tough."

"I understand; I've been in your shoes before."

I've run into that situation:

例句: "Have you ever faced unexpected delays in your project?"

"Yes, I've run into that situation more than once."

I've had a go at it:

例句: "Have you attempted to fix the leaky faucet?"

"Yes, I've had a go at it, but it seems like a bigger issue."

I've given it a whirl:

例句: "Have you ever tried playing the guitar?"

"Yes, I've given it a whirl, but I'm still learning."

 楼主| 发表于 Dec 25, 2023 02:18:40 | 只看该作者
I've got it done:

例句: "I had a lot of work to do, but I've got it done."

I've taken care of it:

例句: "Don't worry about the paperwork; I've taken care of it."

I've handled that:

例句: "The issue with the client? I've handled that already."

I've sorted it out:

例句: "There was a mix-up with the reservations, but I've sorted it out."

I've dealt with it:

例句: "The problem in the kitchen? No worries, I've dealt with it."

I've addressed the issue:

例句: "There were some concerns raised, but I've addressed the issue."

I've managed that:

例句: "It was a challenging task, but I've managed that successfully."

 楼主| 发表于 Dec 25, 2023 02:20:07 | 只看该作者
I've addressed it:

例句: "There was an issue with the schedule, but I've addressed it."

I've looked into it:

例句: "The problem with the computer? I've looked into it, and it's working fine now."

I've tended to it:

例句: "The garden needed attention, and I've tended to it."

 楼主| 发表于 Dec 25, 2023 02:24:40 | 只看该作者
I have seen that movie.

I have visited that city.

I have read that book.

I have tried that restaurant.

I have cooked that recipe.

I have learned a new skill.

I have experienced that event.

I have heard that song.

I have completed that task.

I have attended that meeting.

I have bought a new car.

I have solved that problem.

I have taught that lesson.

I have explored that area.

I have painted that room.

I have fixed that issue.

I have written a letter.

I have achieved my goal.

I have met that person.

I have finished my work.

I have organized my closet.

I have sung that song.

I have planted a garden.

I have built a website.

I have donated to charity.

I have volunteered my time.

I have solved a puzzle.

I have upgraded my phone.

I have created a playlist.

I have tried a new hobby.

 楼主| 发表于 Dec 25, 2023 02:26:54 | 只看该作者
I have discovered a hidden gem.

I have sampled that cuisine.

I have captured a beautiful moment.

I have hiked that trail.

I have mastered a new skill.

I have purchased that gadget.

I have solved a challenging puzzle.

I have explored a new neighborhood.

I have composed a piece of music.

I have crafted a DIY project.

I have launched a small business.

I have practiced mindfulness.

I have attended a live performance.

I have adopted a healthier lifestyle.

I have recorded a podcast episode.

I have redesigned my living space.

I have documented my travels.

I have developed a workout routine.

I have initiated a meaningful conversation.

I have renovated a room in my house.

I have mentored someone.

I have participated in a charity event.

I have tasted exotic cuisine.

I have composed a poem.

I have collected vintage items.

I have biked a scenic route.

I have interviewed an interesting person.

I have invented a useful tool.

I have performed in a talent show.

I have composed a thoughtful letter.

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