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  发表于 Dec 27, 2023 04:28:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Take a guess:

意思: 猜一下。

例句: "I won't tell you the answer; just take a guess."

Take a break:

意思: 休息一下。

例句: "Let's take a break and grab some coffee."

Take a seat:

意思: 坐下。

例句: "Please take a seat; the meeting will start shortly."

Take a walk:

意思: 散步。

例句: "I need to clear my mind; I'll take a walk around the park."

Take a photo:

意思: 拍照。

例句: "This view is amazing; let's take a photo."

Take a chance:

意思: 冒险尝试。

例句: "Life is short; sometimes you have to take a chance."

Take it easy:

意思: 放轻松。

例句: "You've been working hard; take it easy this weekend."

Take a look:

意思: 看一看。

例句: "Can you take a look at this and tell me what you think?"

Take your time:

意思: 慢慢来,不着急。

例句: "No rush; take your time and do it right."

Take a deep breath:

意思: 深呼吸。

例句: "When you're stressed, just take a deep breath and relax."

Take the lead:

意思: 带头,领导。

例句: "Let's take the lead and show them how it's done."

Take a chance on someone:

意思: 给某人一个机会。

例句: "I decided to take a chance on him, and he turned out to be great."

Take care of yourself:

意思: 保重自己。

例句: "While I'm away, take care of yourself."

Take a rain check:

意思: 暂时推迟,以后再说。

例句: "I can't make it tonight, but can I take a rain check?"

Take the initiative:

意思: 主动采取行动。

例句: "Don't wait for instructions; take the initiative."

two-hands-receiving-a-parcel-from-mailman.jpeg (35.96 KB, 下载次数: 59)


 楼主| 发表于 Dec 27, 2023 04:31:10 | 只看该作者
Take a hike:

意思: 滚开,离开。

例句: "I can't stand your attitude; why don't you just take a hike?"

Take the plunge:

意思: 决定冒险尝试新事物。

例句: "I'm going to take the plunge and travel alone for the first time."

Take it with a grain of salt:

意思: 对某事持怀疑态度,不全信。

例句: "He tends to exaggerate, so take what he says with a grain of salt."

Take a shot at something:

意思: 尝试做某事。

例句: "I'm going to take a shot at learning a new instrument."

Take the bull by the horns:

意思: 勇敢面对问题,果断解决。

例句: "It's time to take the bull by the horns and address the issue directly."

Take the edge off:

意思: 缓解紧张或刺激感。

例句: "A cup of tea can take the edge off a stressful day."

Take the scenic route:

意思: 选择风景优美的路线,或者采取更迂回的方式。

例句: "Instead of the highway, let's take the scenic route and enjoy the countryside."

Take it one day at a time:

意思: 一天一天来,不要太过担心未来。

例句: "Dealing with grief is a process; just take it one day at a time."

Take the opportunity to do something:

意思: 利用机会做某事。

例句: "When the door opens, take the opportunity to showcase your talents."

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