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  发表于 Dec 27, 2023 05:10:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Take a nap:

意思: 小睡一会儿。

例句: "I feel tired; I'm going to take a nap."

Take a shower:

意思: 洗澡。

例句: "After the workout, I need to take a shower."

Take a break:

意思: 休息一下。

例句: "Let's take a break and have some tea."

Takeout (food):

意思: 外卖(食物)。

例句: "Tonight, let's order takeout for dinner."

Take the trash out:

意思: 倒垃圾。

例句: "It's your turn to take the trash out."

Take a look:

意思: 看一看。

例句: "I bought something new; come and take a look."

Take a photo/picture:

意思: 拍照。

例句: "This sunset is beautiful; let's take a photo."

Take a day off:

意思: 休息一天。

例句: "I've been working hard; I need to take a day off."

Takeout the trash:

意思: 把垃圾带出去。

例句: "It's trash day; don't forget to take out the trash."

Take a moment:

意思: 用一刹那的时间。

例句: "Before making a decision, take a moment to think."

Take a call:

意思: 接电话。

例句: "I'm busy right now; can I take a call later?"

Takeout containers:

意思: 外卖盒。

例句: "We have a lot of takeout containers in the kitchen."

Take a day trip:

意思: 进行一日游。

例句: "This weekend, let's take a day trip to the nearby town."

Take the dog for a walk:

意思: 遛狗。

例句: "It's a beautiful day; let's take the dog for a walk."

Take a deep breath:

意思: 深呼吸。

例句: "Feeling stressed? Take a deep breath and relax."

Take a rain check:

意思: 暂时推迟,以后再说。

例句: "I can't make it today, but can I take a rain check?"

Take a guess:

意思: 猜一下。

例句: "I won't tell you the answer; just take a guess."

Take the day off work:

意思: 请一天假。

例句: "I have a family event; I need to take the day off work."

Take a video call:

意思: 进行视频通话。

例句: "Let's take a video call with the grandparents."

Take a moment to relax:

意思: 用一会儿的时间放松一下。

例句: "After a long day, take a moment to relax."

 楼主| 发表于 Dec 27, 2023 05:10:26 | 只看该作者
Take a chill pill:

意思: 放松,冷静下来。

例句: "You seem stressed; you need to take a chill pill."

Take a rain shower:

意思: 淋雨淋浴。

例句: "I love to take a rain shower after a hot day."

Take a digital detox:

意思: 数字断网,远离电子设备。

例句: "Sometimes it's good to take a digital detox and unwind."

Take a chance:

意思: 冒险,尝试一下。

例句: "Life is short; sometimes you need to take a chance."

Take a power nap:

意思: 小憩片刻,充电睡眠。

例句: "I'll take a power nap before the evening event."

Take a raincoat:

意思: 带上雨衣。

例句: "The weather forecast says it might rain; better take a raincoat."

Take a photo of something:

意思: 给某物拍照。

例句: "That cake looks amazing; let me take a photo of it."

Take a detour in life:

意思: 在生活中走一条弯路。

例句: "It's okay to take a detour in life; you might discover new opportunities."

Take a rain check on plans:

意思: 推迟计划,以后再议。

例句: "I can't make it tonight; can we take a rain check on our plans?"

Take a virtual tour:

意思: 进行虚拟导览。

例句: "Since we can't travel, let's take a virtual tour of famous landmarks."

Take a time-out:

意思: 休息一下,暂停一切活动。

例句: "Feeling overwhelmed? Take a time-out and regroup."

Take a deep dive into a book:

意思: 深入阅读一本书。

例句: "On weekends, I like to take a deep dive into a good book."

Take a warm bath:

意思: 泡个温暖的澡。

例句: "After a tiring day, it's relaxing to take a warm bath."

Take a screen break:

意思: 远离屏幕,休息眼睛。

例句: "Every hour, it's good to take a screen break for a few minutes."

Take a family photo:

意思: 拍一张全家福。

例句: "Let's dress up and take a family photo for the holidays."

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