今日: 0 | 主题: 633
Did you charge my credit card? Did you charge my account for the purchase? Did you charge the fee ...
浏览:82906 | 喜欢: 10.0k
You act like a bitch. You act like you're tired. (你看起来很累啊。) You act like you forgot someth ...
浏览:87465 | 喜欢: 8.2k
You fit every stereotype of a morning person. (你完全符合早起鸟的所有刻板印象。) You fit every desc ...
浏览:87261 | 喜欢: 10.0k
正面描述: Awesome (棒极了): "She's just awesome at playing guitar." Cool (酷): "He's such a ...
浏览:86958 | 喜欢: 7.9k
It's located near the city center. It's located on the corner of Main Street and Elm Street. It's ...
浏览:88061 | 喜欢: 7.6k
Make sure to wash your hands before eating. Make sure to chew your food thoroughly. Make sure to c ...
浏览:88403 | 喜欢: 10.3k
What I will do is give you a call later. What I will do is send you an email with all the details. ...
浏览:87534 | 喜欢: 7.2k
Refresh 的意思不仅限于电脑上的页面刷新,它还可以用于许多其他情境,表示更新、重新振作或重新激活的意思 ...
浏览:87208 | 喜欢: 9.2k
I need to update my contact information. I need to update my resume. I need to update my computer ...
浏览:86903 | 喜欢: 8.2k
How do I enroll in a course? How do I enroll in a program? How do I enroll in a school? How do I ...
浏览:83794 | 喜欢: 9.3k
Do you need to refill your water bottle? Do you need to refill your coffee cup? Do you need to ref ...
浏览:83771 | 喜欢: 9.2k
Can I renew my subscription? Can I renew my library books? Can I renew my membership? Can I renew ...
浏览:83858 | 喜欢: 6.9k
I'll top up my phone: 我要给手机充值。 Can I top up here?: 我可以在这里充值吗? I need to top up m ...
浏览:80004 | 喜欢: 8.6k
Go home: 回家 Go to work: 去工作 Go to school: 上学 Go out: 出去 Go for a walk: 散步 Go shoppin ...
浏览:83217 | 喜欢: 9.1k
Stay calm: 保持冷静 Example: "When faced with a problem, it's important to stay calm and think ra ...
浏览:87165 | 喜欢: 8.8k
Go on: 继续 Go on with: 继续进行 Carry on: 继续进行 Keep going: 继续前进 Press on: 坚持下去 Mov ...
浏览:84032 | 喜欢: 7.0k
I understand. (我明白了。) I get it. (我懂了。) I see. (我知道了。) I comprehend. (我理解 ...
浏览:85892 | 喜欢: 7.5k
Let's go out for dinner. Let's go out for drinks. Let's go out for coffee. Let's go out for lunch ...
浏览:86274 | 喜欢: 9.1k
Keep in touch: 保持联系 Keep up with: 跟上;跟得上 Keep an eye on: 留意;密切关注 Keep calm: 保持 ...
浏览:84372 | 喜欢: 8.5k
Break the ice: 打破沉默;破冰 Break the bank: 花光钱;破产 Break the news: 宣布消息;报告新闻 Bre ...
浏览:84390 | 喜欢: 10.2k
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