今日: 0 | 主题: 445
“Mum ,”said Sam.山姆说,妈妈。“We are having a pets'day at school, on Saturday.周六我们学校要举办 ...
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“I am going to get some nuts,”said Mother Bear.熊妈妈说,我想去弄点坚果。“I like nuts,”said baby ...
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The toytown fire engine said,玩具堡的消防车说,“I can see a fire up on the big hill!”山上起火了。 ...
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The chimps went for a walk in the forest.猩猩在森林里遛弯。Little chimp sat on mother chimp's back. ...
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Kitty Cat looked out the window.小猫向外看。She saw Fat Cat asleep in the sun.她看见肥猫在太阳底下睡 ...
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Once upon a time, there was a rich man who had a beautiful daughter called Ella.从前一个富人有一个美 ...
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Once upon a time, seven men from the same village went out fishing together.从前,小村庄中的7个人一 ...
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Once upon a time, there were three little pigs.从前,有三只小猪。One day their mother said,一天,他 ...
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Once upon a time, there was a little red hen.从前,有一只小红母鸡。She lived on a farm with a duck, ...
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Once upon a time, there were three Billy Goats Gruff.从前,有三只山羊,名叫嘎啦。There was a little ...
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Once upon a time, Chicken-Licken went for a walk in the forest.从前,Chicken-Licken在森林中遛弯。As ...
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Once upon a time, an old man planted some turnip seeds.从前,有位老人种植了一些萝卜种子。The sun sho ...
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Once upon a time, there was a little old man and a little old woman.从前,有一对老人和老妇人。One da ...
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Once upon a time, There was an ant, who went down to a pond to get a drink of water.从前有一只蚂蚁, ...
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Chooky and her nine little yellow chicks were walking around the farm.母鸡和她的七只小黄鸡在农场中。 ...
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Hoppo was Ben's little brown rabbit. She lived outside in a cage,on the grass.Hoppo是本的棕色小兔子 ...
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Kylie and Zoe came out of their classroom. 凯莉和佐伊从教室中出来了。They looked at all the childre ...
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One day , Alex went next door to see her friend Hannah.一天,艾利克斯去对门看她的朋友汉娜。Hannah wa ...
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Once upon a time, a boy was taking his goats home along a road.从前,小男孩带着自己的山羊走在回家的 ...
浏览:314276 | 喜欢: 20.9k
Jed was a pilot at a big airport. 杰德是飞机场的一名飞行员。He flew the work planes.他驾驶工作飞机 ...
浏览:163999 | 喜欢: 9.6k
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