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Chapter 2第二章Our earliest ancestors我们最早的祖先We know very little about the first "true ...
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Chapter 1第一章The Setting of the Stage人类历史舞台的形成We live under the shadow of a gigantic ques ...
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The sun was originally a plain circle (Here is a picture of a plain circle)and became(a picture with ...
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And another twenty years had to go by until a British officer, Henry Rawlinson, who found the famous ...
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Once in a while, after a long and patient chase, he would catch a sparrow or a small wild dog or per ...
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Chapter 08第八章The Sumerians苏美尔人The Sumerian Nall Writers, Whose Clay Tablets Tell us the story ...
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Chapter 07第一章Mesopotamia美索不达米亚Mesopotamia-The Second Center of Eastern Civilisation美索不达 ...
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It regained a semblance of independence when one of Alexander's generals set himself up as king of a ...
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They were highly unpopular and great hate was also felt for the Hebrews who came to the land of Gosh ...
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Chapter 06第六章The Story of Egypt埃及的故事The rise and fall of Egypt埃及的盛衰The river Nile was a ...
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Originally these graves had been dug into the rocks of the western mountains最初,这些坟墓是建在西部 ...
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They understood that it is not good for man to think only of his immediate advantage in this world a ...
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While man of the prehistoric age had been obliged to spend sixteen hours out of every twenty-four ga ...
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Chapter 5第五章The Nile Valley尼罗河河谷The beginning of civilization in the valley of the Nile人类 ...
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After several hundred years, the Egyptians lost sight of both these meanings and the picture.经过了 ...
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Suppose that you were Champollion, and that you were examining a stack of papyrus sheets, all covere ...
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But this particular slab of black basalt was different from anything that had ever been discovered. ...
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Without written documents we would be like cats and dogs, who can only teach their kittens and their ...
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Chapter 4第四章Hieroglyphics象形文字These earliest ancestors of ours who lived in the great European ...
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Next came the housing problem.接下来是解决住房的问题。This was simple. Many animals were in the habi ...
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