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Once Buddhist ideas had flourished in Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan monarchs sent emissaries to adjoining ki ...
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Karma is one of the main concepts of Buddhism.因果报应是佛教的最重要的概念之一。It is the belief tha ...
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Sri Lankan Buddhists believe that the tooth relic was brought to their country around 300 BC.斯里兰 ...
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Coming here to Nepal, it has been relatively straightforward to identify two of the jewels of the tr ...
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You can, perhaps, help me out a bit.或许你可以给我一些帮助。How do you describe Dharma?你怎样描述“ ...
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My first experience of the Sangha came at what felt like an ungodly hour.一大清早,我对僧伽的初次体 ...
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There are some people here who will tell you that buried deep in that stupa is a fragment of the Bud ...
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At the Boudhanath Stupa, one of the many people who come to circumambulate and to pay their respects ...
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Here at Boudhanath, I am going to find out more about the three jewels of Buddhism.我将在博德纳这里 ...
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As Buddhism's travelled through the centuries, perhaps inevitably, it's taken on more the aspects of ...
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He called himself a guide and teacher.他称自己为一个引路者和导师。His message appealed to people of ...
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Like so much in Buddhism, Nirvana clearly has to be experienced, not explained.就像佛教中的许多概念 ...
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The temple then offers American Buddhists lots of reasons to visit.西来寺为美国佛教徒提供了许多来参 ...
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There has been a tenfold increase in the number of Buddhists in Europe and America over the last 40 ...
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I tell you what there is definitely a wealth of here, and that is Buddhas.我告诉你,这些佛像是这里名 ...
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Buddhist ideas and philosophy have become increasingly popular in the fast-paced and highly competit ...
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Zen, and its ancestor Chan, is a very practical form of Buddhist wisdom.禅(Zen),及其古词“禅”(C ...
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This is called water bowl meditation and the purpose is to carry the water without spilling a drop. ...
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Some people find the concept of Zen quite difficult to grasp.有些人觉得禅的概念比较难以把握。How wou ...
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Since Buddhism is primarily an educational system,佛教原本就是一个教育性的体系。meditation is a key ...
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