今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
A guy walks into a bar, and sits down next to an electron.有一个人走进了酒吧,刚刚好坐在了电子的旁边 ...
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Marmosets are small primates.绒猴是很小的灵长类。Think of a monkey with huge fuzzy ears.试想一下,猴 ...
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Woodpeckers puncture the bark of dead or dying trees,also known as snags, to find the wood-boring in ...
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Stretching and toning are certainly important, but their benefitsare different from that of aerobic ...
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If you've ever had major surgery, you probably remember lying down and waking up-but nothing in betw ...
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Firefighters use water to battle a towering inferno.消防员用水来扑灭熊熊燃烧的大火,You might wonder ...
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How many times have you heard a jet plane going over, looked up to see it, but not been able tofind ...
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Dear A Moment of Science,亲爱的《科学一科》栏目组:Why do we sleep?我们为什么需要睡觉?I know this q ...
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Scientists used to think that for all its complexity, the brain was pretty static.科学家们过去常常认 ...
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Scientists have long been aware of the link between drinking andsmoking.科学家们长期以来一直在研究喝 ...
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Is animal cloning for real? I want to have my cat cloned.动物真的可以克隆吗?我想克隆家里的猫。Well, ...
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Our sense of smell can have a large impact on how we think and feel.我们的嗅觉对我们的思维和感觉能够 ...
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I guess you never heard of Trigona hypogea, a South Americanbee that not only collects meat from ani ...
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Unless you're an entomologist or a beekeeper, beestypically inspire one thing: fear.一提到蜜蜂,大家 ...
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Good afternoon, this is your captain speaking.下午好,我是这架飞机的机长。We are atcruising altitude ...
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Yael, when you experience something new, do you knowwhat happens to your brain?你知道当你碰到新的东 ...
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You know, when I watch futuristic sci-fi movies, I noticeeveryone has a normal aging pattern.我看未 ...
浏览:311193 | 喜欢: 22.2k
The study of genes has shown that every individual is genetically unique, and this discovery leads t ...
浏览:273415 | 喜欢: 22.8k
What are you doing outside, Don? It's about to rain.你在干嘛呢?马上下雨啦!I'm setting out bottles. ...
浏览:448342 | 喜欢: 22.4k
Even if you haven't touched a piano in years, if you suffered through music lessons as a kid you may ...
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