今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
Woo…It's freezing out.哇,外面太冷了。Come on, It's not that cold.不会吧,没那么夸张。Sure it is. Y ...
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Here's a gruesome hypothetical:If you and your family were rounded up, and you were forced to watch ...
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Maybe when people get older, sense of a humor is the first thing to go.也许,人年纪越大,越是幽默感 ...
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I was sitting on my Porsche yesterday,having a soda,and a wasp picked its head into the can and drin ...
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When we remember something, the neurons in our brains communicate with each other in a particular wa ...
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Yael, everyday I grow closer to my goal of mind-control.Yael, 我觉得自己每天都在不断的靠近我思维控制 ...
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Like many midwesterners, it turns out that giant African landsnails really love Florida.体型巨大的非 ...
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Some diseases are contagious–like colds, flu, and chickenpox. 一些疾病是会传染的,例如一般感冒、流 ...
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The signs are unmistakable: the eyes water, the chestheaves, the nose twitches, the body tenses, sus ...
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Back in 1950, the Nobel prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi washaving lunch with friends.早在1950年 ...
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How does the shape of a glass affect how much you drink?水杯的形状是怎样影响喝水量的呢?Ascientist s ...
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Lots of people have had dreams that seem to foretell thefuture.许多人都做过一些好像可以预知未来的梦 ...
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Well, you know what they say.人们常说,A woman will marry the manwho reminds her of her father, and ...
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Last time, we talked about “motional induction,” aphenomenon by which the ocean generates a magnet ...
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If you've ever tried eating with chopsticks, you know they can be a pain to learn how to use.如果你 ...
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Why does salt melt ice?为什么食盐能让冰块融化?It lowers the melting and freezing point of water.是 ...
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Until recently, when scientists studied changes in open-ocean ecosystems, they looked at changes in ...
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Is it a beetle or some sort?它是甲虫还是什么?Right in deed.It's a bombardierbeetle.就是甲虫,它是一 ...
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Help!Help!求助!求助!What's wrong?怎么了?I was fixing my coffee cup with superglue.我刚刚在用强力 ...
浏览:341704 | 喜欢: 24.4k
Yes,eating organic foods is a great way to reduce the amount of pollutants in your body,选择有机食物 ...
浏览:315868 | 喜欢: 17.5k
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