今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
How do you improve at any sport? You train, train, train.你怎样才能在体育运动方面有所提高呢?你不停 ...
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All over the country, beach managers have tried to make beaches safer by discouraging the use ofglas ...
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Everyone is familiar with the sight of robins hopping aroundthe yard, peering into the grass or “he ...
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They're cute, they're furry and sometimes they like to bringyou dead birds or rodents. That's right, ...
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It's four A.M.早上四点,You're tucked safely into a warm bed, savoring thelast few hours of sleep be ...
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Carbon dioxide is a potent greenhouse gas.二氧化碳是一种强力的温室气体。Levels of carbon dioxide, or ...
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Never a happy topic, bed wetting is a very distressing problemfor five to seven million American kid ...
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The Lycaenids are a group of butterflies known commonly as blues, coppers and hairstreaks. 灰蝴蝶是 ...
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Everybody likes music, right? 人人都爱音乐,对吧?I mean, no matter who you are, where you live, or ...
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As you may have heard, frogs and toads have had a rough time over the past several years.就如你听说 ...
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What is metabolism really?新陈代谢是什么?Statements like “he can eat a lotbecause he has a fast me ...
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These dark flies are driving me badly!这些飞来飞去的黑苍蝇快把我逼疯了!I wish I couldstrangle each ...
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Fill a kettle with water, then turn on the burner.灌满水壶,扭开炉灶。In a while, your kettle will s ...
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You go to the local laundromat to do your wash.想象一下你带着换洗衣物到附近洗衣店清洗,In the spinni ...
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If you're like many people, when you think of algae you picture the unsightly green film that forms ...
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"When the dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass;When grass is dry at morning ligh ...
浏览:421260 | 喜欢: 21.1k
Most of us are cautious eaters.大多数人对吃的东西都很谨慎。If you're munching grapes, you'll probabl ...
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As anyone who's had a toddler knows, they're incredibly demanding creatures.家里有刚学会走路的小孩子 ...
浏览:157174 | 喜欢: 11.2k
There's a good reason for the law enforcing seatbelt usage inmany states.很多国家法律规定使用安全带 ...
浏览:226966 | 喜欢: 14.2k
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