今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
Nuts, botanically speaking, are made up of both the seed itself and a hard outer layer that is the f ...
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On a previous show we mentioned how not all shooting stars have the same speed.前面的文章中我们提到 ...
浏览:291991 | 喜欢: 19.5k
We've heard it a hundred times before. There's never anything to watch ontelevision.我们已经听过很多 ...
浏览:159117 | 喜欢: 13.2k
Our lifelong food preferences are largely shaped by the foods we're exposed to earlyon in childhood. ...
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I bet that the last time you went to the beach, the wind was blowing in off the water.我敢打赌,你最 ...
浏览:338919 | 喜欢: 22.6k
Sure, you think the world is full of solid objects.世界充满了固体物质,你可能对此深信不疑。You think ...
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It's two in the morning, and like most people you're fast asleep.已经是凌晨两点钟了,就像其他人一样 ...
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Everybody loves the swimming pool.每个人都喜欢游泳池。But how clean is the water in the averagebacky ...
浏览:291664 | 喜欢: 22.4k
It induces euphoria, and excites the sexual regions of the brain.它能引起快感,刺激大脑的性区域,It ...
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Humans may be no less a part of the animal kingdom than lions,tigers and bears, but certain things s ...
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If you've ever seen movies about World War I, you know thatthe soldiers in the trenches often wore b ...
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If you've ever had major surgery, you probably remember lying down and waking up-but nothing in betw ...
浏览:199447 | 喜欢: 13.3k
One study zeroes in more closely, showing that marriage not only benefits well-being in a general wa ...
浏览:236389 | 喜欢: 16.9k
Just as the police bang down the door, the bad guys flush theincriminating drugs down the toilet.Sur ...
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If you or someone you know has had cancer, then you know how frightening and painful treatment can b ...
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Did you ever have a broken leg? 你曾经有过一条腿骨折吗?Or did you ever see someone else in a cast? ...
浏览:114488 | 喜欢: 9.5k
Until recently, many ecologists didn't study the effect of evolution on population dynamics because ...
浏览:231250 | 喜欢: 17.8k
Well, as if we needed one more reason to get our environmental act together, arecent U.N. report war ...
浏览:288434 | 喜欢: 24.0k
As Robert Palmer sang in the mid 80s,“You might as well faceit, you're addicted to love.”80年代中 ...
浏览:318367 | 喜欢: 19.9k
Woo…It's freezing out.哇,外面太冷了。Come on, It's not that cold.不会吧,没那么夸张。Sure it is. Y ...
浏览:493873 | 喜欢: 24.7k
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