今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
Now, however, with the help of sophisticated computers, 然而现在凭借先进的计算机,scientists have dis ...
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For some time now, scientists have understood that the earth's crust is divided into plates that mov ...
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How come socks don't lose their power like insoles do? 为什么这种袜子没像鞋垫那样失去效果呢?There ar ...
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But it was hard for wolves.但对狼而言却是难事。Wolves that have been raised by people should have ha ...
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When subjects were looking at something funny, the first thing that happen was that two regions in t ...
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Now, even small dogs are genetically programmed to function like predators, which makes sense consid ...
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Hey,Yael.Check out my new high-tech socks. 嘿,雅艾尔。看看我这双最新款高科技的袜子。Still like borin ...
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Point at a ball and a dog will look at the ball, whereas a cat will probably look at your hand.当你 ...
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Have you ever noticed that while it's pretty easy to tell your dog is sick,it's much harder to know ...
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Did you ever wonder what occurs inside your body when something funny happens? 你有没有想过当有趣的 ...
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Plants attract fruit eaters–or “frugivores”–by packing valuable resources into their fruits like ...
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Generally speaking, the larger the circle you move in, the greater the centripetal force you experie ...
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Researcher Tatiana Zerjal, from the University of Oxford in England, and a team of geneticists took ...
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Usually a green, sour fruit is just a fruit that's not ripe yet.通常绿绿色,酸酸的水果只是表明水果还 ...
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The next time you're at a park, watch children playing on a merry-go-round and you'll notice that ki ...
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In terms of evolution, there has to be a reason for barking, or it probably wouldn't be there.从进化 ...
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Now, a few tens of thousands of years ago, wolves and people started becoming friendly species.时至 ...
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Today, Afghanistan is a war-torn region, battled over by military forces and world-spanning empires. ...
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We all know that smoking cigarettes is bad.我们都对吸烟有害健康这一点心知肚明。But what about smokin ...
浏览:322593 | 喜欢: 20.2k
If, somehow, brains could read other brains directly, there would indeed be a very strong evolutiona ...
浏览:303635 | 喜欢: 16.9k
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