今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
But you're still smacking your foot directly on the ground, without any padding.但是光脚跑步仍然是在 ...
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What this means is that our lips have little to no protection from the environment, and their main s ...
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Let's start by reviewing the ways in which the surface of our lips is different from the surface of ...
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Running shoes are carefully designed to cushion your feet and provide arch support and padding and a ...
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Until now it has not been known whether children who snore, but who do not have obstructive sleep ap ...
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Snoring can be pretty disturbing to people who sleep in the company of snorers, as well as to the sn ...
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Sometimes we get letters here at Moment of Science asking whether psychics are for real.我们的科学一 ...
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One study found that people who smoke pipes or cigars are more likely than non smokers to have chron ...
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Then that foot stops and the other one accelerates.然后那只脚停止,另一只开始加速。And so on. Thinner ...
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Archaeologists have found Neanderthal tools dating from around 100,000 years ago on the Greek island ...
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These changes, which gave birds greater facility for flight, made them more effective predators. It' ...
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We modern humans tend to look down on our ancient Neanderthal cousins. In our imagination, Neanderth ...
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Do you have any idea why people kiss?Well down, the simple answer is just because it feels good. Ou ...
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Once upon a time, hundreds of millions of years ago, many insects were much larger than they are tod ...
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There are many dung beetles competing for a limited amount of food at a dung pile, so whenan individ ...
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With the age of electronics, it was found that hearing your own voice played back to you almost as s ...
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A number of animals, including honeybees and butterflies, use sunlight's polarization in their navig ...
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Remember that kid in your grade school class who stuttered?还记得小学时班上那个说话结巴的孩子吗?Wel ...
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Vesta is quite far away.灶神星距地球的距离很远。Like many asteroids, it has an orbit out between the ...
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You can see the planet Jupiter on a clear night, but Jupiter is humongous.在晴朗的夜空下我们能够看到 ...
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