今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
Midway through the day, the biologists exposed the plants to a brief period of complete darkness.生 ...
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We tend to think of glass as fragile–but in fact, glass is pretty strong stuff.我们往往认为玻璃是易 ...
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Specifically, the study found that parents are happier when taking care of their kids than when doin ...
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Dear A Moment of Science,亲爱的《科学一刻》,I'm a parent of two young kids.我有两个孩子。It's chall ...
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Like human speech, lip smacking requires quick, controlled movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, and h ...
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Scientists have searched for the origins of human speech in the hoots, grunts, and other vocalizatio ...
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In order to add some variety to their genetic makeup, bacteria swap genes with other bacteria.为丰富 ...
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Wouldn't it be great if we could trade genes with other species?如果我们能和其他物种交换基因该有多好 ...
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The addition of soap helps because these molecules have two distinct ends, one that is attracted to ...
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Even as adults we still enjoy blowing bubbles, don't we?即使我们已经成年但却仍然喜欢吹泡泡,对吧?If ...
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University of London researchers theorize that there may be some correlation between the severity of ...
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The ozone layer is thinner than it used to be.如今的臭氧层比过去要稀薄很多。This fact has motivated ...
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Pushed by wind and the Labrador Current, Greenland-produced icebergs drift southward.受海风和拉布拉 ...
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Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, the great ocean liner that struck an iceberg and sank to th ...
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Laennec named his invention the stethoscope, from the Greek words for “chest” and “to view,”雷奈 ...
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In the early 1800s, a French physician named Rene Laennec had a dilemma.19世纪初,法国内科医生雷纳- ...
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Using satellite images, they built computer models and found that magma chambers can exist only 0.62 ...
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Hot food may make the refrigerator's motor run a little longer to bring the temperature back down, b ...
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Back when most folks relied on an icebox to cool food, a block of ice was a precious commodity.以前 ...
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Why?为什么?Researchers speculate that words such as “Florida” and “retired” invoke stereotypes ...
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