今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
Computers are great tools, but they can also be mystifying.计算机是伟大的工具,但有时这个人类的好帮手 ...
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Don:Here's a simple demonstration you can do with cool implications.唐:这是一个你可以做的具有很酷含 ...
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Don:If I were you, Yael, if I were a woman that is, I would reconsider that fourth drink you just or ...
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People who think about language talk about how the sounds of words bear no relation to objects in th ...
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YAEL:Today, on a Moment of Science, we're conducting an experiment on sleep deprivation.雅艾尔:在今 ...
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Don:Say something, Yael.唐:说点什么, 雅艾尔。Say whatever you want, but talk directly into my right ...
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Don:I have the weirdest looking mole under my arm.唐:我的胳膊下面有个看起来非常奇怪的痣。Yael:Hold i ...
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You're hiking through the Rockies one day when you hear a low, ominous rumble. 有一天你正试图徒步穿 ...
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Yael:Hi Don, what are you...雅艾尔:嗨唐,你在干嘛?Don:Shh! I'm watching my favorite TV police drama: ...
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DON:It's time for a new feature on our show, called I Got the Data.唐:现在是我们节目的一个新板块,它 ...
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Can animals count?动物能数数吗?People count easily, from the time we are little kids and learn our ...
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Most people assume that roosters are programmed to crow at the first sign of sunlight to announce th ...
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The answer is, no!答案当然是“No”。Evidence indicates that prior use of some drugs impairs the brai ...
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It's four A.M.早上四点,You're tucked safely into a warm bed, savoring the last few hours of sleep b ...
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According to legend, King Arthur gained the crown by pulling a sword from a rock.根据传说,亚瑟王当 ...
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The results are spectacular.结果非常惊人。Thanks to their super-nutritious diet, queen bees grow up ...
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Unless you're an entomologist or a beekeeper, bees typically inspire one thing: fear.除非你是昆虫学 ...
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Worker bees then take over, secreting wax to build the hive.工蜂从这一阶段开始接手,它们用蜂蜡建造蜂 ...
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When you experience something new, do you know what happens to your brain?你知道在接触到新事物时大脑 ...
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Yael,We're always hearing that the ozone layer is being depleted, and how bad this is because we nee ...
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