今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
Einstein wants to expand his special theory of relativity into a general theory of relativity, a the ...
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But Einstein wants to understand the real world and the real world doesn't work that way.但是爱因斯 ...
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Mileva is the only woman in the class . He was a physicist he was smitten.米列娃是班上唯一的女人。而 ...
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He still applies for jobs, at colleges , high schools always getting rejected. 他还在大学,高中申请 ...
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You will always hoped that it would be total euphoria that everybody will says this is you know a hu ...
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Sitting alone on the city bus, Einstein believes he has glimpsed the secret of the Universe. 独自一 ...
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People didn't believe atoms in those days but atoms makes small dust particles move and he calculate ...
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He worked as a substitute teacher in short jobs in various towns.他曾在不同的城镇从事短期代课老师的 ...
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Some people wonder how did Einstein think?有些人想知道爱因斯坦如何思考?How do our physicist think?我 ...
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In 1900 Albert Einstein was a 21-year-old undergraduate at Swiss Federal Polytechnic that this young ...
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They work in a black hole, beside live rails with trains bearing down just centimeters off the way. ...
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Shiny and safe, the goal of New York itself.又闪亮又安全,这也是纽约本身的目标。Three decades ago, bo ...
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One wheel alone weighs more than 350 kilograms, an entire wheel and axle assembly weighs nearly a to ...
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If you say how much it curves?如果你说有多弯曲呢?And what happens to matter or light in the presence ...
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Looking in, a star would have been visible.看,已经能够看到一颗行星。One of the stars that was to be ...
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It starts when the moon first comes in contact with the sun and then starts to move over the face of ...
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The Lick party was forced to use substandard equipment.这个力克党被迫使用不合格的设备。Campbell has ...
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Today E=mc^2 is Einstein's most famous equation but another thoery he published the same year is mor ...
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Einstein had to be really afraid that Hilbert would actually take over the whole game and publish th ...
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Einstein deserves the credit.爱因斯坦值得这次殊荣。He is victorious.他是胜利的。The theory is Einste ...
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