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But a rival dynasty stood in the way of Plantagenet ambition. 但对手挡在了金雀花王朝的野心扩张之路上 ...
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Henry established central courts at Westminster, and sent newly appointed royal justices on a circui ...
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Matilda trudged for seven miles through the frigid night.玛蒂尔达在寒冷的夜晚跋山涉水7英里。She even ...
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Eleanor once said, I've married a monk not a monarch.埃莉诺曾经坦言,我嫁的是个和尚而不是一位君主。An ...
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In 1128, an enraged princess arrived here.1128年,一位愤怒的公主抵达这里。Her name was Matilda and sh ...
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In the process, the culture and politics of Brithish isles were transformed.在这个过程中,英国群岛的 ...
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In early medieval France, the Count of Anjou became enthroned by a mysterious woman.在中世纪法国的早 ...
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And among the loot, was Josephus himself, carried to Rome and installed in the Flavian family compou ...
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Perhaps the Elephantine Jews didn't know about the rule, or perhaps distance from Jerusalem made the ...
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The big battle, anticipated with such poetic excitement in the War Scroll, became grim, bloody reali ...
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At precisely the same time, that Jerusalem was being purified by the Babylonian exiles.在同一时间, ...
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On the arch, dedicated to Vespasian's son and co-general, Titus.在拱门处,维斯帕先的儿子和将军提图斯 ...
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At last, this compromised, sycophantic, creepily self-exonerating historian stands tall, brimful wit ...
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In the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929,the German economy all but collapsed.1929年华尔街股灾爆 ...
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Small as the Nazi Party was at the time this footage was shot in the 1920s, most of the elements tha ...
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On 20th December 1924,1924年12月20日,Hitler was released from Landsberg Prison and set about trying ...
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Back in 1924,Hitler received the minimum sentence possible for his part in the Putsch from a sympath ...
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On 9th November, the Nazis marched through these streets,but were stopped by the police.11月9日,纳粹 ...
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In the crypt of the castle,Himmler wanted to hold pagan SS ceremonies by the light of an eternal fla ...
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