今日: 0 | 主题: 2137
When you go back to work or class after lunch, why is it sohard to stay awake?当我们用完午餐回去工作 ...
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Stroll through the frozen foods section of the supermarket andyou'll find frozen corn, peas, and bea ...
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We humans pride ourselves on having large, supple brains. Butwhile our brains are larger than those ...
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It's eleven o'clock Sunday morning, and you've just woken up after a late night of carousing.现在是 ...
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If you follow football, hockey, soccer, or boxing, then youknow that athletes in these and other con ...
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I have a trivia question for you, Don.唐,我有个小问题想问你,What do the Ebola virus,anthrax, and t ...
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Remember that hit song from the 80's that featured thechorus:还记得80年代那首红极一时歌曲吗?它的合 ...
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Remember back in grade school sitting at the lunch table whensomeone cracked a joke just after you t ...
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A listener from Ontario, California wrote to A Moment of Science with a question her sons hadasked h ...
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Dear A Moment of Science,亲爱的的《科学一刻》栏目组,I hate going to the dentist. In fact, I openly ...
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When you boil potatoes on the stove top, it can take half an hour to cook them till tender.如果使用 ...
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So you made lasagna last night, and it was delicious.你昨晚做了千层面,之后享用了一顿大餐。You saved ...
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Feeling down? You're not alone.你有感到很失落吗?不只你这样。If depression seems pretty common, it i ...
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Scientists have suspected for many years that fish might giveoff a chemical signal to warn other fis ...
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There's an old saying that if you think you're in danger, you might ought to sleep with one eye open ...
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In the 17th century, the French scientist Pierre Gassendi knewthat light traveled faster than sound. ...
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If blood didn't circulate through our bodies, carrying oxygenand nutrients, we wouldn't be able to l ...
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The story of human evolution goes something like this:人类进化的过程大概是这样:Millionsof years ago ...
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First of all, you're certainly not doing your family and friends a favor by deliberately lowering yo ...
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You see, Don,an onion gets it distinctive taste from compounds that contain sulfur atoms.你瞧,洋葱 ...
浏览:137705 | 喜欢: 10.6k
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