今日: 0 | 主题: 1677
Maybe you've recently seen the phrase "gluten-free" on food packaging,你最近也许留意到 ...
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Carl thinks, "If I have non-green eyes, Adria and Bill were just watching each other,Carl想: ...
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At the same time, methanogens can use hydrogen and carbon dioxide produced by other bacteria to gene ...
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But methane is actually odorless, too.但是甲烷也是无味的。Well then, what stinks?那么,什么东西这么 ...
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Flatulence, or passing gas, is a normal daily phenomenon.胀气,或者放屁,是正常的日常现象。Most indi ...
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Say you're helping plan a friend's party, and he sends you a text asking you to "bring Bob, a ...
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Mesopotamian prayers included blessings for such couples,美索不达米亚的祷文中包括了为同性夫妻进行祝 ...
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Speech patterns that deviated from the written rules were considered corruptions, or signs of low so ...
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You're telling a friend an amazing story, and you just get to the best part when suddenly he interru ...
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What would Jill, standing on the platform, see through the window as the train whistles through?这个 ...
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There have been many different things written and said about marriage.已经有各种不同文字记录和讨论着 ...
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But the faster you go, the more time dilates.但是行驶的速度越快,时间的膨胀越多。For astronauts orbi ...
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Maybe the body you perceive yourself to have isn't really there.或许你感知到的自己的身体,其实并不存 ...
浏览:200913 | 喜欢: 11.2k
How do you know you're real?你如何意识到自己的真实存在?It's an obvious question until you try to an ...
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Have you ever daydreamed about traveling through time, perhaps fast forward in the centuries and see ...
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But to keep the Fed from being influenced by the day-to-day vicissitudes of politics,为了使美联储不 ...
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If you tried to pay for something with a piece of paper, you might run into some trouble.如果你想要 ...
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Now that the only spot in the grid without a cigar and a drink is in the fifth column,现在只剩下一栋 ...
浏览:168972 | 喜欢: 14.1k
To start, you fill in the information from clues eight and nine.先开始,首先从第八和第九条线索开始。 ...
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Before he turned physics upside down,在他颠覆物理学之前,a young Albert Einstein supposedly showed o ...
浏览:336785 | 喜欢: 16.8k
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