今日: 0 | 主题: 1677
Day three of the ice cream wars, you get to the beach early, and set up right in the center of Teddy ...
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Why are gas stations always built right next to other gas stations?为什么加油站总是建在其他加油站旁 ...
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Now let's do a little quick math.现在让我们迅速算一算。If we compare a major cinematic film produced ...
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You know, back in the 40s and 50s, the original standard television had a 4 to 3 width to height rat ...
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At first, there seem to be so many unknowns that the problem appears to be unsolvable.乍一看存在太多 ...
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Whether you like it or not, we use numbers every day.不管你喜不喜欢,我们每天都会用到数字。Some numb ...
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Now, back to the mole. Not that mole.现在,回到摩尔,不是鼹鼠。This mole. Yep, this number has a sec ...
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OK, today we're going to talk about the mole.今天我们来谈一下摩尔。Now, I know what you're thinking: ...
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If you've watched the news or followed politics chances are you've heard the term Orwellian thrown a ...
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Then what about "myself?"那myself呢?This grand character is often substituted for & ...
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When ketchup is just sitting around, the tomato particles are evenly and randomly distributed.当番茄 ...
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French fries are delicious. French fries with ketchup are a little slice of heaven.我们都知道炸薯条 ...
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But this still doesn't explain why light is able to pass through glass rather than being absorbed as ...
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Take a look out your window, put on your glasses if you wear them.向窗外张望一下,有必要的话,戴上眼 ...
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Nowadays, it's less common to use placebos this way because of ethical concerns.如今,通过安慰剂的这 ...
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In 1996,56 volunteers took part in a study to test a new pain killer called Trivaricaine.1996年,56 ...
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Two: gather your information.第二:搜集信息。There's lots of it out there, so having a clear idea of ...
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Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us.我们无时不刻都在做各种各样的决定。Some are small a ...
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Like the other organs in our bodies, our brains also benefit from a steady supply of micronutrients. ...
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If you sucked all of the moisture out of your brain and broke it down to its constituent nutritional ...
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