今日: 0 | 主题: 1677
So the idea of mastery learning is to do the exact opposite.然而掌握式教育的观念就是反其道而行之。In ...
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And in a lot of ways, this is how you would master a lot of things in life.在很多方面,这也是掌握新 ...
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I'm here today to talk about the two ideas that, at least based on my observations at Khan Academy, ...
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So, here it is.所以总的来说,When you talk to strangers, you're making beautiful interruptions当你在 ...
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Another is what I call noticing.另外个技巧我称它为"关注"。This is usually giving a com ...
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In Egypt, I'm told, it's rude to ignore a stranger,在埃及,有人告诉我,无视陌生人是十分没有礼貌的做 ...
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So imagine you're at a party, and you can't believe that your friend or your spouse假设你在参加派对 ...
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It's the good feeling I got这就是那位老人将我from being saved from the death trap of the storm drain ...
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The first one is that it liberates us.第一个好处在于,这样做能够使我们解放自我。When you think about ...
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For a minute, I felt like my existence as a person had been noticed, and I was worth saving.有那么一 ...
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There are things we say when we catch the eye of a stranger or a neighbor walking by.当我们看到一个 ...
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Imagine if I let go of my habit of saving the world behind your back,想像我放弃在你们背后拯救世界的 ...
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We create our "others." As parents, as neighbors, as citizens,是我们创造了“其他人”的 ...
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But we live in a place that is 12,000 feet high.但我们住在海拔3600多米的地方。And, the patients ther ...
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One night, my friend Malte, were camping in the Amazon region.有一天,我和我朋友Malte在亚马逊流域露 ...
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In the coming years, I became a medical student.后来几年,我去了医学院读书。One of every hundred chi ...
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The most complex problems in our time can be solved with simple techniques, if we are able to dream. ...
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But what if that estimate is just based on your own experience in a non-mastery framework,但假如那些 ...
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And I was so thrilled with this study, I started to take questions out in presentations. I was refer ...
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So as a society, we have a question:所以对一个社会而言,我们有一个问题:All this new productivity is ...
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