今日: 0 | 主题: 2892
Ben Battle was a soldier bold,本·巴特是位年轻士兵,And used to war's alarms;冲锋在前,杀敌勇猛,But ...
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No situation of greater interest than this can be conceived.已到千钧一发的危急关口。At one end of th ...
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This only caused a growl of determination, and no one blenched or seemed disposed to shrink from the ...
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Major Wainright was requested to order his men to fire down upon the convicts through the little win ...
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They replied that they expected that some would be killed,—that death would be better than such imp ...
He demanded their purpose in thus coming together with arms, in violation of the prison laws.他严正 ...
The warden, the surgeon, and some other officers of the prison were there at the time, and were alar ...
A more impressive exhibition of moral courage, opposed to the wildest ferocity under the most appall ...
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Modest and shy as a nun is she,雌鸟羞涩得像位修女,One weak chirp is her only note;偶尔低声地唧喳两 ...
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Merrily swinging on brier and weed,在荆棘野草上,欢快地荡着秋千,Near to the nest of his little dame ...
We next hear of him, with myriads of his kind, banqueting among the reeds of the Delaware, and grown ...
Further observation and experience have given me a different idea of this feathered voluptuary,经过 ...
Sometimes he pitches from the summit of a tree,begins his song as soon as he gets upon the wing,食米 ...
The happiest bird of our spring, however, and one that rivals the European lark in my estimation, is ...
Rising and leaping, Sinking and creeping, Swelling and sweeping, Showering and springing, Flying and ...
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To describe the effect of these words upon the soldiers would be impossible.实在无法叙述这些雷人话语 ...
She fell at length into a profound slumber, motionless and apparently breathless, her head resting i ...
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On every side death stared us in the face; no human skill could avert it any longer.死亡四处紧紧地盯 ...
He goes on Sunday to the church,周日,他去教堂做礼拜,And sits among his boys;坐在自己孩子们中央,He ...
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And a pretty example you set as a father! You'll make your boys as bad as yourself.作为父亲,你的模 ...
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