今日: 0 | 主题: 2892
Her pride will be less wounded by submitting to that course of things, which now predestinates our i ...
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Do we intend to violate that most solemn obligation ever entered into by men, that plighting, before ...
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And what insurgent rage had gained, In many a mortal fray maintained:愤怒之火,在起义者心中早已点燃 ...
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Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my hand and my heart to this vote.沉沦抑或求生 ...
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A fragment of a rainbow bright天地晦暗,风急雨骤,Through the moist air I see,望遥远边陲云霁天初,Al ...
How sleep the brave who sink to rest那沉眠地下的勇士,如何安睡?By all their country's wishes blesse ...
Take it in all, no bird in either hemisphere equals the English lark in heart or voice,就秉性和声音 ...
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It did depend on one, indeed:胜利,的确依赖优异个体,Behold him! Arnold Winkelried!看! 阿诺德.里德 ...
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She was trying to laugh, but, God bless her, how completely she failed in the attempt!那女人想笑,可 ...
"Make way for Liberty!" he cried;“请给自由让路!”他高声叫道。Made way for Liberty, and died!不 ...
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I went to England.后来,我去了英国。At first I met with no encouragement whatever, and came very nea ...
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As the train was going into the depot,当火车驶入车站后,I placed myself on the platform of the car i ...
"Have you a wife?" said I. "Yes, and three children," was the answer.“你有妻子么?”我问他 ...
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On our way from Springfield to Boston, a stout, black-whiskered man sat immediately in front of me, ...
(weeps) I've wrung a tear from him! Thy name?(哭泣)我用尽手段,他才流下一滴眼泪。你的名字?My name ...
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You see, as he doth prompt, the other acts.你看,他快快地说,让孩子快快地记。So well he bears it, he ...
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Mayst thou live, my boy, To see thy country free, or die for her, As I do! (Albert weeps.)你必须活下 ...
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The court, my lord?法庭吗,老爷?And send To tell the headsman to make ready. Quick!派人通知法官做好 ...
That step—that step—that little step, so light Upon the ground,那脚步声,轻轻地一点点走近了,how h ...
That's right! I'd have them like their hills, That never smile,不错,我就是想让他们像大山那样,再也 ...
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