今日: 0 | 主题: 2892
Gay, guiltless pair,同性恋男人,好一对清纯妙人,What seek ye from the fields of heaven?天国辽阔, 你 ...
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I dreamed I stood with her, and saw the yellow sunlight shine On the vine-clad hills of Bingen,—fai ...
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And when he died, and left us to divide his scanty hoard, I let them take whate’er they would, but ...
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for they could not conceal from themselves that each moment lessened their velocity through the wate ...
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A few men were, however, seen clinging with wild frenzy to the cordage,然而,就在那时,桅杆上端有几 ...
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The ship which the American frigate had now to oppose, was a vessel of near her own size and equipag ...
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Oft in the stilly night大地融入万籁寂静,Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,夜半灯火辗转难眠,Fond me ...
浏览:245130 | 喜欢: 14.4k
You try to drop the notion, as if it were not fairly your own;你试图挥去那团荒谬念头,好像那完全不是 ...
浏览:145972 | 喜欢: 11.2k
The great table in the middle of the room, with its books and work, waits only for the lighting of t ...
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Little does the boy know, as the tide of years drifts by, floating him out insensibly from the harbo ...
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It was six men of Indostan, to learning much inclined,从前,有六个印度人,他们想了解外面世界,Who we ...
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But the inferior animals provide for themselves and their young without any of these things.然而,低 ...
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The third distinction is that animals make no improvements;人类与动物的第三点差异在于:动物本身绝不 ...
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The chief difference between man and the other animals consists in this,人类与动物区别在于:that the ...
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Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight,时光穿梭,飞快地回到从前,Make me a child again, jus ...
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that the weak have no guardian, and the injured no avenger;弱者没有监护人,伤者无法讨还公道,that th ...
浏览:190111 | 喜欢: 11.9k
Religion is a social concern; for it operates powerfully on society, contributing in various ways to ...
浏览:111281 | 喜欢: 9.3k
He did not deny that it was beautiful; but he instantly fastened upon a small crack in it that nobod ...
浏览:163613 | 喜欢: 9.6k
We had found fire for ages, in a proper way, taking a proper time about it, by rubbing two sticks to ...
浏览:139473 | 喜欢: 10.0k
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