今日: 0 | 主题: 2892
Many eyes are fixed upon him; many have interest in his well-being; his movements are of concern;许 ...
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Debt is of the very highest antiquity.在古代的风俗习惯中,债是非常高级的东西。The first debt in the ...
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Each soldier's eye shall brightly turn每位士兵的眼睛麻利地一起转向To where thy sky-born glories burn ...
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When Freedom, from her mountain height,当自由女神离开高山之巅,Unfurled her standard to the air,迎风 ...
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The battle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.这场战争比的不单 ...
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An appeal to arms and the God of Hosts, is all that is left us.对战争和战神的呼吁,是我们所能做的一 ...
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Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?难道我们要祈求和卑下地哀求吗?What terms shall w ...
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Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss.被背叛后不是一个吻就能了事的。Ask yourselves, how t ...
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It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope.一个人沉浸于希望的错觉中是再自然不过的事情 ...
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Take them to court: talent feels its weight, tact finds its way;另外,我们考察一下在法院里的情形。才 ...
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There is no want of dramatic talent, there is no want of dramatic tact; but they are seldom together ...
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Talent is something, but tact is everything.才能固然重要,机智更是不可或缺。Talent is serious, sober ...
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He lived in the house by the hawthorn lane, With roses and woodbine over the door;他住在山楂树巷的一 ...
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'T was a jolly old pedagogue, long ago, Tall, and slender, and sallow, and dry;很久以前,他是一位快 ...
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The Poet. By William Ellery Channing.诗人。威廉·埃勒里·钱宁It is not true that the poet paints a l ...
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Action and Repose. By John Ruskin活动和休憩。约翰·拉斯金About the river of human life there is a wi ...
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Las Casas Dissuading From Battle. By E. B. Sheridan拉斯·卡萨斯劝人们免战。E·B·谢里丹Is then the d ...
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Dryden And Pope. By Samuel Johnson德莱登和蒲伯。塞缪尔·约翰逊Dryden knew more of man in his general ...
浏览:189287 | 喜欢: 13.5k
And truly, it was a fault of no ordinary magnitude, that sometimes they did persecute.真实的情形是, ...
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We are called upon to cherish with high veneration and grateful recollections, the memory of our fat ...
浏览:154413 | 喜欢: 11.9k
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